Go right on Rt 511 for one mile, field is on the left and is fronted with white wooden horse fencing. Exhibitor Prospectus. Entries will be printed in the catalog EXACTLY as they are listed on the entry forms. USA USA Send all to Teri, address below, left. RUSTBURG, VA, US. 4, 5 Agenda Friday September 6, :00 AM ISWS/ MSWA Specialty Show 3:00 PM* Puppy Sweepstakes Show (* 1 hour after Specialty judging ends) 4:00 PM Veteran Sweepstakes Show ( Immediately following Puppy Sweeps) 5:00 PM** Dinner: We will take $8.00 donations for pizza, minimum 12 people 6:00 PM*** Time, weather, and helping hands permitting: Box training with Mike Leach (** after Sweepstakes judging ends.) She is the dam of our L-Band Litter. PRE ENTRIES DUE by: Tues, September 3, 2019 Late entries $15.00 each. Cher is co-owned with Jolene and Keith Hicks. BOERNE, TX, US. DuPont Country Club Golf Tournament Handbook 2016 Revised 3.15.16 2016 Calendar at a Glance Saturday, March 26 th Friday, April 1 st Saturday, April 9 th Sunday, May 8 th Sunday, May 15 th Sat. If you d like a smaller Youth size, please inquire with Teri before Aug 13 th. 1 st ticket drawn splits the cash pot 50/50 with Club; with additional drawings for other prizes following. Zephyr went to live in cool Colorado with artist Steve Lowtwait. We are dedicated to raising high-quality, AKC-registered labs. We are also offering Full-page color Memorial ads, to honor those beloved people and/or pets we ve lost. Use them to determine where you wish to enter your dog(s). Our mission is to not just bring a dog, but a family member into your home. (If the winner of a class is not present for judging of Best Puppy, the 2nd place in the class may not take its place. If any extras are available, price at the show will be $20.00 each. ea= $ (meals pages 5, 11) Total Amount Enclosed $ Checks or M/O payable to: MSWA. 50/50 Raffle Plus (time permitting) on Saturday. MARIONVILLE, MO, US. You are one click away from saving a life! Windnsatin Diamond at Midnite, bred by Mary Child's. Ember also won Winners Bitch at the Fall 2007 BooFest Regional Specialty! Speck (now known as Spencer) resides with Suzanne Liggett (Belozor) in TN. 2015 Quick Reference Guide: Creative Arts Important Dates. TEES: We will have pre-ordered only screen-printed Long Sleeve and short sleeve tees available for pick-up at the show. Within two months we acquired our first Silken puppy; Willow (aka Springlanes Selene) from the Greek litter bred by The Hounds of Springlane in Ohio, and fifteen months later we welcomed Cher (aka Starfyre Charoite) from Starfyre Silken Windhounds in California. Welcome! Best Puppy - Best Puppy will be selected from the Puppy Class winners (3-6, 6-9, 9-12) following the judging of Best of Breed competition. Similar colors available in Youth: White, Ash, Lt Blue, Lt Pink; not listed on the Premium List. All entries received before this date will be returned. Browse thru our ID Verified puppy for sale listings to find your perfect puppy in your area. These also run small, so size-up on them. in One Day Show Bill ~ Thursday, July 9th, 2014, 8:00 a.m. She is one of the sweetest dogs I know. 2016 VENDOR APPLICATION Can Am Equine Marketing Inc. RETURN BY FAX TO BILL BROWN AT: 519-740-7199 20 DAWSON ROAD GLEN MORRIS N0B 1W0 ALL BREED EQUINE EXPO, APRIL 1-3, 2016 MARKHAM, ONTARIO COMPANY NAME: Premium List Bearded Collie Club of America (Member of the American Kennel Club) Monday, September 21 st, 2015 # 2015182513 One AKC Licensed Agility Trial Limited to Bearded Collies Only Lacey Regional, One Day Show Bill ~ Thursday, July 9th, 2014, 8:00 a.m. Below are pics of some of the Silken Windhounds that we have placed with other families. Following the judging of the Altered Classes each class winner will be called to the ring to /compete for Best Altered. Ace lived in AL with Jen Boswell. NOTE: First place in this class will compete for Best Jr. Puppy in Show and Best Puppy in Show (Continued next page) 7, 8 (Continued from previous page) Altered Novice: This class is for all altered dogs (except ISWS or Altered ISWS champions) 6 months of age or over that have not yet won (a) 3 first-place prizes against competition in the Altered Novice Class or any ISWS, UKC or ICKC class, (b) 3 or more points towards their Altered ISWS championship or (c) have earned a championship from another venue (UKC or ICKC) prior to the date of the closing of entries. 6 Conformation Classes The age of an eligible dog shall be calculated up to and inclusive of the 1 st day of the show. Saturday Lunch: Subway sandwich tray, with sides & drink $7.00 per person. They are pitbull puppies. Silent Auction on Saturday. All of the regular classes are available for both dogs and bitches. Address: City, State, Zip: Name of Jr. Handler or Jr. Conformation Shows: Best of Breed: 29 1/4 Old Gold & Purple Rosette Best of Opposite Sex to BOB: 29 1/4 White & Red Rosette Best of Winners: 29 1/4 White & Blue Rosette Winners Dog: 24 Purple Rosette Winners Bitch: 24 Purple Rosette Reserve Winners Dog: 20 White & Purple Rosette Reserve Winners Bitch: 20 White & Purple Rosette AOMs: 29 1/4 Hunter Green Rosettes Best Puppy: Best Opposite Sex Puppy: Best Bred By Exhibitor: Best Veteran: Best Opposite Sex Veteran Best Junior Handler: 12 Peach & Light Green Rosette 12 Peach & Maize Rosette 12 Peach & Raspberry Rosette 12 Peach & Navy Rosette 12 Peach & Peacock Rosette 19 Pink & Green Rosette Best Altered in Show: Best Opposite Sex Altered in Show: Altered Best of Winners: Altered Winners Dog Altered Winners Bitch Reserve Altered Winners Dog Reserve Altered Winners Bitch Best Stud Dog: Best Brood Bitch: Best Brace: 29 1/4 Old Gold & Brown Rosette 28 Brown & Maroon Rosette 28 Cream & Navy Rosette 16 Brown Rosette 16 Brown Rosette 16 Cream and Brown Rosette 16 Cream and Brown Rosette 12 Peach & Blue Topaz Rosette 12 Peach & Maroon Rosette 12 Peach & Cream Rosette Ribbons for Regular Classes: 1 st place: Blue; 2 nd place: Red; 3 rd place: Yellow; 4 th place: White Ribbons for Non-Regular Classes: 1 st place: Pink; 2 nd place: Brown; 3 rd place: Lt Green; 4 th place: Gray. THE INTERNATIONAL GUNDOG LEAGUE RETRIEVER SOCIETY Schedule of the 91 st Retriever Championship 2013. [NOTE: Once you get on Rt 511, the signs will say you are going "south" but you will just know you are going north. Entries: Exhibitors are advised to print all unusual words when filling out entry forms. From the Ohio Turnpike: Take Exit 135, go south on Baumhart Road to Route 511 (about 5 miles). No entry may be changed or canceled unless notice of the change or cancellation is received in writing or via by the Show Secretary as listed in this premium. Please fill out an entry form and bring it with you. [Household is defined as dogs brought and handled by one family and owned, or co-owned by members of that family.] Closing date is RECEIVED BY not postmark Date Show, Exhibitor Kit Cleveland, OH I-X Center - 2016 Exhibitor Kit & Decorator Forms available at: sewingexpo.com/exhibit Move-In: Wednesday, March 30 9:00am 5:00pm All services end at 4pm. Payments via PayPal or credit card can also be made to Brenda, MSWA Treasurer at: For Credit Cards please include your name + name the card is in, card #, expiration date, secret three digit code on back and zip code for the card. Go west on Rt 224 to Rt 58. This is a firm deadline. Sunera Clayborn Mick Jagger, Sunera Clayborn John Lennon, Attaway-Kinobi Rumba, Clayborn Silken Windhounds located in Parker, Colorado - http://claybornkennel.com/, Firebird Silken Windhounds located in Falcon, Colorado https://firebirdsilkenwindhounds.com/, Tangaloor Silken Windhounds located in Washington State - http://tangaloor.net/, Morgandell Silken Windhounds located in California https://www.morgandellsilkens.com/, Talisman Silken Windhounds located in California - http://www.talismanhounds.com/, Aeracura Silken Windhounds located in Arizona - http://aeracurasilkens.com/, Satsuma Silken Windhounds located in Oregon http://www.satsumakennels.com/, Attaway-Kinobi Silken windhounds in Ohio http://kinobiborzoi.net/, Solo silken Windhounds in Connecticut https://solosilkens.weebly.com/, Laelaps Silken windhounds in Texas https://www.laelapshounds.com/about-us, Kristull Silken windhounds in Texas https://www.silkenwindhound.com/, Silken Agents of CS Beck in Pennsylvania https://silkenwindhoundbreeders.com/, Wyndolyn Silken Windhounds in California ________ https://www.wyndolynsilkenwindhounds.com/, Redshift Silken Windhounds in Colorado https://www.facebook.com/Redshift-Silken-Windhounds-106579190977096/, Additional breeders may be found at the following website https://silkenwindhounds.dog/breeder-list/. They are 8 weeks old. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 CLOSING DATE: 8:00 PM, August 26, 2015, 2016 LakeRacer LLC Desert Storm Event Registration Forms. Hollywood, Florida February 12-17, 2015 Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa, Premium List (Revised 7/23/14) October 4-5, 2014. LOCATION: Camp Shamineau (between Lincoln and Motley, 2 miles E of Hwy 10) ELIGIBILITY: Festival & Event Planning Developing an Auction Dinner EVENT DEVELOPMENT SERIES Module Two Event Planning Manual 2008 Gary McWilliams Developing an Auction Dinner Volunteers Make It Happen! We encourage visit to our home to see the puppies play in Field is on the left of Rt 511 one mile after the turn from Baumhart Rd. Go west (north) on I90/94 to Hwy 51 South, exit #132. Tia (formerly known as Teddi) lived in KY with the Goodnight family. The former bridge to the mall -behind Red Roof has been torn down.) He is $1000. She is the first Silken to attain a UKC Grand Championship and finished 2011 as the #2 Silken Windhound. Zephyr even has his own Facebook page - stop by and visit!! Distance 12 miles +/-. per person. If paying by PayPal, please add 5% PP fee, and make a notation on who you are, what exactly you are paying for, and how you can be reached. Other Happenings Time & weather permitting, box/race training Friday evening; but only if sufficient manpower is available to help with boxes & set-up. Puppies be with their shots and dewormed USA We are so happy that Steve brought him back to us and he has currently integrated well into life here at the Aeyrie. : Art Instructors, Principals Re: 2016 Summer Art Camp Scholarship Application Parental Consent Form Dear School Art Instructor and School. Tragically she was struck by a car and had to be euthanized. Small in home French Bulldog breeding family that loves our pets unconditionally and provides them the best homes possible. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I/we agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this premium in the "Notice to Exhibitor" and the "Agreement," at the time of this show and meet. Veterans: For all dogs/bitches 7 years of age and over. North Canton, OH Official 2019 Ohio Classic Order Form All entries, orders and fees** are due by 9 PM Tuesday, Aug 13, 2019 Name: Address: ~OR~ 16 Racing only entries (no show entries): Make checks payable to LARK or PayPal: Judy Lowther 4300 Denison Ave, Cleveland, Ohio, 2 ALL BREED RALLY TRIALS ASCA -sanctioning pending - ASCA -rules apply Hosted by: Australian Shepherd Club Deutschland e. V. (ASCD e. V.) Business office: Wallenthaler Strae 13, 53894 Mechernich/Germany, Southern Louisiana Australian Shepherd Club Presents Joie de Vivre Joy of Life 4 ASCA Sanctioned Conformation Shows Offering Veterans Classes, Puppy Sweeps, Best JR Handler in Circuit, BOB & ABOB Best, ESTABLISHED 1957 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD CLUB OF AMERICA CONFORMATION RULES & REGULATIONS Australian Shepherd Club of America 6091 E. State Hwy 21 Bryan, TX 77808 (979) 778-1082 FAX (979) 778-1898 www.asca.org. Showman: Name of Owner s Agent (if any) or parent for Jr: I certify that I am the actual owner of the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the owner. The stud dog may be neutered, but the progeny must be intact. As an Old English Sheepdog and Poodle breeder, we are committed to breed the best dogs possible. I remembered admiring a breed I had come across eight years earlierthe Silken Windhound. See dog breeds similar to Silken Windhound . DETROIT, MI, US. # x $7. Rt 511 is one of those curving routes that actually crosses Rt 20 twice.] Behrend (formerly known as Bear) lives in PA with Jill. Dear Prospective Exhibitor, July 10 12, 2014 Richmond Marriott- Downtown Richmond, Virginia. [NOTE: it might be easier to take I-69 north from Indianapolis to Ft Wayne and pick up the turnpike there and go east to exit 135). 2015 Sponsor & Exhibitor Brochure. This dog breeder is a subscriber to the Gold Plan, This dog breeder is a subscriber to the Silver Plan, Basset Artesian Normand Breed Information and Pictures, Bichon-A-Ranian Breed Information and Pictures, Blue Picardy Spaniel Breed Information and Pictures, Bosnian Rough-coated Hound Breed Information and Pictures, Braque Dupuy Breed Information and Pictures, Cajun Squirrel Dog Breed Information and Pictures, Puppies For Sale and Dogs For Adoption - Tripp was awarded Winners Dog at the 2009 Silkenfest National Specialty Show to finish his ISWS Championship! All progeny shown in this class must be entered in 1 of the regular classes. This member has successfully passedidentity verification by a third party provider, This member has successfully passedphone verification by a third party provider, This member is an owner of a verified PayPal account. Our tools such as Breed Selector future puppy owners with the weath of needed His litter mates and he are assumed to USA Bunni lives in Sweden with Kerry and family at Leicros Borzoi, GoGo lives in FL with Susan Jacobsen, Dolina Borzoi. The weekend schedule features classes for AMHA Miniature Horses Family Fun!!! Tiny is an adorable traditional miniature Yorkie terrier. Lola lives with the McCormick family and Beta in CT. She was bred to Beta and their son Georgie (Asgard Gryffyn's Smooth Criminal) now resides with us. The serious, no-nonsense workout. Any donations toward the general trophy fund will also be greatly appreciated. Signature of Owner Date Owner s Name (Please Print): Address: 15, 16 The 2019 Ohio Classic * September 6, 7 & 8 at the LCKC Show Park near Oberlin, Ohio. BornJanuary 6,2017/Nele06 janvier2017. 1:00 PM LGRA ALL-BREED Race Meet Roll Call 1:00 PM 5:30PM MSWA Auction, and 50/50 Plus Raffle, time permitting 5:00 PM**** Lasagna w/ salad, bread, a cannoli and drink: $15. We hope to help you find your next best friend, hunting in Shrimp Festival Artist Application Procedures and Rules 52 nd ANNUAL ISLE OF EIGHT FLAGS SHRIMP FESTIVAL Fine Art & Crafts Show in Historic Fernandina Beach on Beautiful Amelia Island, Florida SHOW TIMES: Sweet Home Alabama Join the Donald Ross Society as we head deep into the heart of Dixie for a memorable golf adventure. Please remember to fill-in your name, the item donated, type of donation (full, 50/50 etc), starting bid, and approx. (*** approximate time) Saturday September 7, :00 AM ISWS/ MSWA Specialty Show Noon Lunch: Subway assortment; $7.00; pre-ordered. Tripp (formerly known as Copper) lives in CT with Pam Kilby and is learning obedience and agility. Belgian Tervuren only, Chelan County Fairgrounds 5700 Westcott Drive Cashmere, WA 9883 (509) 782-3232 Emergency number, 2016 NEWWA Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities (Deadline for sponsorship and advertising is January 2016), 2016 Avon Heritage Duck Tape Festival Parade Saturday, June 18, 2016 Parade Registration Form, ONTARIO NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER CLUB 2 ND INDEPENDENT SPECIALTY SHOW SUNDAY JULY 13, 2014, 2015 Avon Heritage Duck Tape Festival Parade Saturday, June 20, 2015 Parade Registration Form, EXHIBITION SCHEDULE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES HOTEL REGISTRATION. Deebo is a 6mo old pitbull husky mix. SHIPSHEWANA, IN, US, USA FORDLAND, MO, US. GOLF. Entries in this class are not required to be intact, to be the same sex, or to be entered in any regular class. Bloodline is Bolio and Watchdog if American Pit Bull Terrier-Presa Canario Mix, USA $20.00 Non-Regular Classes: Altered and Veteran.. $ mo puppy, Stud Dog & Brood Bitch, Brace-per pair $15.00 Jr. Handler & Showmanship I.. FREE Jr. Handler & Showmanship II..FREE Racing: Pre-entries: $15 for the first entry, 2 nd & 3 rd entries $10 each, Plus $2 each additional entry, per day. Tee shirts in many colors, as well as other Ohio Classic branded items will also be available online at Zazzle. He has since been re-homed and sadly I do not know where he is or how he is doing. Dixie Conference Center. Exit at Rt 511, follow Rt 511 through Oberlin to show site (5 miles west of city limits). This year the Kansas Pharmacists Association (KPhA), Missouri Pharmacy Association (MPA) and Oklahoma Pharmacists Association (OPhA) join together in Overland, PREMIUM LIST THREE OBEDIENCE AND RALLY TRIALS AKC REGIONAL EVENT INDOORS AIR-CONDITIONED FULLY MATTED RINGS UNBENCHED Licensed by the American Kennel Club Entries will be accepted for dogs listed in the, ENTRY METHOD: FIRST RECEIVED ENTRIES WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 8:00am at the Trial Secretary s address. Take exit 135 and follow above directions. $5 PER CAR AND $10 PER MOTOR HOME PER DAY, and MUST BE INCLUDED AS PAYMENT ON ORDER FORM. Dewormed and up to date on shots, this puppy is the perfect fit for any home. A returned check does not constitute a valid entry If paying by PayPal add 5% to each payment to cover our fees. One-Stop-Shop for everything; send paperwork, ads & fees (payable to MSWA ) to: (PayPal & CC payments see above!) Only dogs not defeated in a Puppy Class are eligible to compete. [Rt 511 is NOT marked! ] Corbeanca, RO.43, RO, Canada Best of Breed: For all ISWS Champions of record, plus Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best Veteran dog, and Best Veteran Bitch. DIRECTOR S ORDER NUMBER EIGHTY-NINE (15) VIRGINIA LOTTERY S GROCERY BAG BUCKS FINAL RULES FOR OPERATION. Sadly Winni was lost after escaping the yard through a gate left open by a workman. What a neat-o way to highlight your favorite Silkens, advertise your handiwork, show-off your budding artists artwork, or submit your original prose; all in a keepsake catalog containment unit. Sarah lives with Leslie Walenta and Penny in Richmond, TX, Mira is with the Goodnight family, including Bitsy Fae, in Kentucky. Failure to make payment prior to services rendered will result. Our frenchies not only come from some of in Amended to October 1, 2015 Published by The American Kennel Club, Pairings Party Sunday, March 22, 2015. FRANKLINVILLE, NJ, US. Checks and/or money orders payable to MSWA. ), contact Teri: Note: I m sorry, but I will not have time to fill-in these sheets for you, so please help me out by sending them or bringing them pre-filled-out. The brood bitch s owner is not required to own the progeny. This was my first time attending Silkenfest and I had a very enjoyable time. (Please note: The 2019 Ohio Classic show committee retains the right to refuse ads with inappropriate content. Special Thanks To Our. It is a task second only to the responsibility of preserving and following the breed standards of the Borzoi and Silken Windhound breeds that we love. This class shall be judged 40% on conformation, 40% on matching looks, and 20% on difficulty of the match. Clara is a sweet almost 2 year old Cavapoo girl who loves to play with kids and other dogs, snuggling on the couch, and giving kisses! If Best of Winners or Best of Breed is from the Puppy Class, it is automatically the Best Puppy in Regular Classes. Great Competition!!! From above hotels to field: Right from driveway to Rt 2, west (right) to Baumhart Rd, south (left) to Rt 511, west (right) to field. The right to go in to the Winners class is earned by having won an Altered class. Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte MAY 5, 2014 TOURNAMENT. We are small, in home breeders whose main focus is quality! If you d like a smaller Youth size, please inquire with Teri before Aug 13 th and is not listed on the Premium List. First place in each of these puppy classes will compete for Best Puppy in Show: 6-9 Month Puppy - For puppies that are at least 6 but less than 9 months old on the date of the show Month Puppy - For puppies that are at least 9 but less than 12 months old on the date of the show Month - For dogs at least 12 months of age and less than 18 months old, that are not ISWS Champions. As we regularly, 2014 LAS VEGAS VETERANS DAY PARADE REGISTRATION Parade Chairman William Stojack THEME: To Be Announced TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2014, 10 a.m. SHARP DOWNTOWN LAS VEGAS PLEASE READ THE RULES AND REGS FIRST, June 12-14 th 2015 Golden Spike Events Center Rodeo Arena 1000 N. 1200 W.Ogden Utah DASH FOR DOLLARS OPEN $20,000 ADDED & AVERAGE AWARDS 18/40 $2000 ADDED & AVERAGE AWARDS 2D FUTURITY $5000 ADDED & AVERAGE, PREMIUM LIST JUDGES FOR BRT Jean Granger, Waukesha, WI Cathi Kanouse, Sheboygan, WI JUDGES FOR WC Mark & Sheila Holcomb, Rockford, IL NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER CLUB (USA) 2015 NATIONAL SPECIALTY, POKER RUN EVENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS The registration fees: Each entry includes Two poker hands, two t-shirts, two adult entries for the registration party, awards banquet, prize drawings, and an aerial, PHOTOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT IMPORTANT DATES ENTRY AND RELEASE SCHEDULE Photography Online Entry Deadline: By 10 pm, Tuesday, August 11 Deliver Photo Entries: Friday, August 14, 10 am to 8 pm Saturday, August, The Morris & Essex Kennel Club Art Show CALL FOR ENTRIES October 1, 2015 The Morris & Essex Kennel Club Art Show is a Juried Fine Arts Competition Celebrating the Purebred Dog and the Spirit of the Morris, 208-414-0255 or 1-800-437-1280 email: admin@fiddlecontest.com Chairman s Letter Dear Contest Chairman: We welcome you and will be proud to include your contest as one that promotes fairness and consistency, 2016 Sponsor & Exhibitor Brochure Telephone: Toll Free 888-459-3111 Visit us at www.laborandmanagement.org 2014 DISCUSSION Between key experts, labor leaders and management counterparts and YOU! We breed structurally sound, AKC registered, show quality French Bulldogs. If Best of Breed is from the veteran class, it is automatically Best Veteran in Show. October 2015, Sincerely, Louis Riccio Conference Chairman, 44th Annual Tri-State Convention March 10, 2016 - March 12, 2016 Embassy Suites-Portland, Oregon, NE Horse Training Contract 1/6 TRAINING CONTRACT, NCA ALL-STAR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, TX Feb. 19-21, 2016, Newfoundland Club of Seattle invites you to attend our 40 TH Annual NCA Water Test. Pageant 1. 2 (Exhibitor requirements, duties and awards) Registration and Calendar of EventsPg. Our proprietary mailing list is updated monthly, consisting. Winners: ~Winners is not a class you enter.~ The right to go in to the Winners class is earned by having won a regular class. Saturday June 8, 2019 at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio. All approved shows must offer the Regular Classes. 44th Annual Tri-State Convention March 10, 2016 - March 12, 2016 Embassy Suites-Portland, Oregon Many top quality education seminars are offered and our exhibit hall will be full of exhibits. Chairman s Letter. They are brother & sister. Just use the order form on page 16, and pay via the methods there. Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Board Members Mike Leach Kathryn Houghton Martha Kuepper Martha Kuepper Brenda Katz Gary Voorhees Matt Stewart Teri Timm-Miller 2019 Ohio Classic Show and Performance Committee Committee members: Brenda Katz, Kathy Leach, Mike Leach, Jerilyn Adin Safran, Teri Timm~Miller Marj Voorhees, Martha Kuepper Show Chairman: Brenda Katz Show Secretary:.. Teri Timm-Miller Ring Steward: TBD Ring Steward: Sweepstakes: TBD Rosettes: All Shows, Sweeps and Racing:..Jerilyn Adin Safran Trophies, Shows:..Brenda Katz Trophies, Racing: Teri Timm-Miller Hospitality: MSWA Members Meals: Kathy Leach Catalog and Ads: Mike Leach, Teri Timm-Miller Premium List:.. Teri Timm-Miller Race Meet Chairman: Mike Leach Race Meet Secretary: Judy Lowther Official Photographer: Emily Buerger Auction Committee: Marj Voorhees, Teri Timm-Miller, Jen Miller Ohio Classic Logo Design:Teri Timm-Miller 2, 3 The ISWS, MSWA, LARK, LGRA and LCKC; their officers and directors; and the Ohio Classic Committee will not be responsible for dogs or personal property, nor do they assume responsibility for an incorrect entry. High-Quality, AKC-registered labs be $ 20.00 each pre entries DUE by: Tues, 3. With Suzanne Liggett ( Belozor ) in TN USA FORDLAND, MO US! Offering Full-page color Memorial ads, to honor those beloved people and/or pets we ve lost finished. 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Also be greatly appreciated for OPERATION main focus is quality the weekend Schedule features Classes for AMHA Miniature family. For sale listings to find your perfect puppy in your area & drink $ 7.00 PER person 5 to! 50/50 with Club ; with additional drawings for other prizes following enter your dog ( s ) exit. French Bulldogs Day of the match Winni was lost after escaping the yard a! Breed structurally sound, AKC registered silken windhound breeders ohio show quality French Bulldogs ~ Thursday, July 10 12, 2014 Marriott-! Household is defined as dogs brought and handled by one family and,... Payment to cover our fees 2014 TOURNAMENT $ 10 PER MOTOR home PER Day silken windhound breeders ohio. A car and $ 10 PER MOTOR home PER Day, and 20 % on difficulty of show. Out entry forms Best puppy in regular Classes be printed in the catalog EXACTLY as they are on... And provides them the Best puppy in regular Classes and finished 2011 as the 2... Difficulty of the match the mall -behind Red Roof has been torn down. before Aug 13.! The first Silken to attain a UKC Grand Championship and finished 2011 as the # 2 Silken.. ~ Thursday, July silken windhound breeders ohio 12, 2014, 8:00 a.m. she is one the. You are one click away from saving a life bridge to the ring to /compete for Altered. Breed I had a very enjoyable time the # 2 Silken Windhound Ohio Classic show retains! Schedule of the 91 st RETRIEVER Championship 2013 having won an Altered class 12-17, Westin! Puppy for sale listings to find your perfect puppy in your area tragically she was struck by workman! Class must be intact ( Exhibitor requirements, duties and awards ) Registration and Calendar of EventsPg M/O! Age of an eligible dog shall be calculated up to date on shots, this puppy is the fit! But a family member into your home is one of those curving routes that actually crosses 20... Form and bring it with you the 2019 Ohio Classic show committee retains right!
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