The reason for certain dogs nipple numbers being unequal is unknown. To accommodate this process and prevent the mother from producing more milk than her pups require, your veterinarian may suggest a dietary adjustment. You may have observed that the males in your life have nipples; they have them for the same reason that dogs have them. The medical name for it is a pseudopregnancy or pseudocyesis and its more common than you probably think. Signs of allergy on and around the nipples include: Frenchies love to play, jump, run, and chase. Mastitis in dogs can be fatal if it is not addressed. Whether male or female, most French Bulldogs have eight nipples. The color of your dogs nipples can range from pink to black, depending on the breed and colour. The following are some of the most common signs of mastitis in dogs: A mammary gland tumor is another ailment that can cause enlarged nipples in your dog. The majority of dogs recover completely. Some ladies maintain themselves immaculately clean, making it difficult to detect whether or not they are in season. If left untreated, infections can develop quickly and prove lethal. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. They are a typical component of the anatomy and are not cause for concern, but if you observe any sudden or significant changes, contact your healthcare professional. The majority of dogs are symmetrical, with an equal number of nipples on each sides. Nipples on dogs are typically larger and more noticeable than the tiny lumps on spayed females. No more and no less, even if youre pregnant. The take-out here is to monitor your Frenchie for any changes in their appearance or behavior; big nipples are often no sign of a serious condition but should always be checked. A bit lower down the page, you can view our video when they counted our French Bulldogs nipples. According to Dr. Chayasriwong, the number of dog nipples varies depending on the breed. But first, heres the short answer to how many teats your Frenchie should have, followed by more information on male and female variances. If you notice any blood near the swollen nipples, your dog most certainly has advanced cancer and should be checked by a veterinarian very away. But why are there so many canine nipples? She might also protect her toys as if they were her puppies.). The majority of Frenchies have an even number of nipples on each side of their bodies; however, some Frenchies have an odd number of nipples. Dog nipples can be found in strange places. Those lines are why a dogs nipples are where they are, but every now and then a stray one grows in an unusual location.. Acute septic mastitis and galactostasis are the two kinds of mastitis. Before I explain why your Frenchies nipples have got bigger and swollen, its important to understand that it doesnt always mean there is a health problem. The mothers milk production diminishes after five or six weeks. It may be difficult to notice a decline in energy in dogs who already love resting all day. Disclaimer: I am not a vet and all information in this article was collated after doing my own online research. Nipples often follow lines during placental development, Dr. Chayasriwong adds. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This week, I saw a video in which a man realized his female French Bulldog had nine nipples. Sometimes bacteria arent involved, and mastitis is merely caused by a buildup of milk in the mammary gland. This could also be a sign of a phantom pregnancy, in which a woman begins to display signs of pregnancy despite not being pregnant. Her body is sending an enhanced blood supply to the mammary glands making them grow bigger than usual. Dont be concerned if your Frenchie has more or fewer than eight nipples. Mastitis causes enlarged and painful mammary glands in dogs. Swollen mammary glands that may or may not be bleeding pus, as well as your dog being lethargic and/or not eating, are all signs of illness. Diuretics, as well as a restricted diet, may be given. If she has become pregnant, whether deliberately or not, her nipples will get larger to prepare for her puppies. Thats mostly because we have a male (you can see us trying to count his nipples in the video below). If this is not the root of the problem, this treatment will be ineffective and maybe hazardous. Sometimes you might notice that the nipples have got bigger; this is most common in female French Bulldog, but sometimes can happen with the males too. Read more about Marc Aaron. If you observe any changes in your dogs health, you should immediately call your veterinarian for advice. Thats why its critical for folks to bring their pets in on a regular basis so we can check for any unusual lumps or bumps. Female dogs that are not spayed or who were spayed later in life are more prone to have problems with their mammary glands.. The majority of the time, it is determined by the dogs breed and size. To make sure he smells her, shell raise her tail and wag it side to side. Swollen vulva The vulva can swell, however the amount of swelling varies. However, dogs with an unusual number of nipples do exist. This is the most likely time they could damage a nipple, along with playfighting with other dogs. This can aggravate the situation, so your veterinarian may recommend hormonal therapy or a moderate sedative to help your pet stop acting out. The lines usually go from their arms to their feet. Its due to the fact that they have big litters of two to eight puppies. The milk is harmful to the nipples that have been impacted. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but I am talking about when you give them a belly rub! Bacteria enters the breast gland in acute septic mastitis, causing a painful illness. Take a look at my guide to Frenchie nipples and what it can all mean for males and females. Female dogs are more likely to develop mammary gland tumors. The most common reasons why your male French Bulldogs nipples are big are: When you spend so much time petting and playing with your Frenchie its easy to see changes in their body. Her teats will return to normal during this weaning stage, which lasts about a week, as her body gradually stops producing milk and her puppies begin eating solid food solely. Now that you have a better understanding of dog nipples, lets look at the problems and troubles that they can cause. The insides of your dogs legs, for example. Dr. Chayasriwong explains that the number of babies a mammal has may be determined by looking at its nipples. Heres the most probable reasons why your Frenchies nipples are so big: If your female Frenchie hasnt been spayed (read the pros and cons), she will go through her heat cycle. Its not as common as big nipples in the female of the breed, but it does still occur. In dogs, swollen nipples are a common symptom of mastitis. Copyright 2018 to 2022 French Bulldog Owner. On average, it ranges from 6 to 10, she explains. Cancers can form in the mammary tissues, explains Dr. Chayasriwong. If you dont, have your veterinarian examine the bump to rule out anything dangerous. One of the funniest things about having a Frenchie is when they get what we call the zoomies and start running about like crazy. You've only seen one page. If your French Bulldogs nipples are big and noticeably enlarged, please always seek a professional opinion. Some women swell very little, while others swell like a golf ball. It could be an entirely natural symptom of her heat cycle (read more about Frenchie heat cycles). The following are the most common causes of large nipples in male French Bulldogs: When a female is in season, you might expect to see the following signs and symptoms: Female dogs mammary glands swell up while they are in heat or breastfeeding. Mastitis is commonly encountered in healthy female dogs who have just given birth to puppies or who have had a false pregnancy while in heat. In the event of a false pregnancy, your dog may try to stimulate the teats by licking them. Phantom pregnancies mostly occur in intact females 6 to 8 weeks after the heat cycle but has also been reported in dogs that have been spayed. Puppies should not be let to nurse from the teat that is infected. If youre a new owner, the first time you see this it will blow your Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See? link to Why French Bulldogs Get Zoomies & Run Around Like Crazy? Our Claude loves his belly rubs (you can see a video on our YouTube channel) so I would notice if his nipples got bigger. Whilst its not easy for Frenchies to mate naturally, its not entirely unheard of. But what if your male French Bulldogs nipples are enlarged? Male studs can smell a shift in a females hormones before she completely enters heat, which makes them excellent early warning detectors. When a mass grows near the nipples, it is called a mammary gland tumor. This is natural, and your babys nipples will usually revert to their original color and form once he or she is weaned. Look for swollen breasts, discolored nipples, pus discharge, obvious pain, and your Frenchie trying to lick and scratch the area. Milk builds up in the mammary glands, resulting in a swollen nipple in galactostasis. Its a rare occurrence, but its nothing to be concerned about. If you notice a fleshy bulge on the inside of your dogs leg (or somewhere else), look for anything similar on the opposing leg. Yes, false pregnancies in French Bulldogs, and all dog breeds, is actually a thing. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. Why French Bulldogs Get Zoomies & Run Around Like Crazy? Her babies fangs and claws will sharpen, making nursing difficult for her, and she will begin to reject their attempts to nurse. It can manifest itself with all the usual signs of pregnancy, including behavioral and physical changes including swollen nipples. Mastitis can damage dog nipples owing to poor hygienic circumstances, trauma done by progeny, and systemic illness, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. Horses have two nipples because they can only have two foals at a time., Yup! The French Bulldog Owner website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. If you see her scratching her itchy nipples and they are visibly bigger, it could mean its an allergy. Likewise, if you decide to get your Frenchie spayed after a heat cycle where her nipples grew bigger, they can actually get a little smaller after spaying. Blood discharge This is probably the most reliable sign that the heat cycle has started, with a pinkish, red-colored discharge in the first week that changes to a tannish color during the fertile phase, then returns to a reddish tint before eventually terminating. If your dog has puppies, she may not be feeding them, resulting in underweight puppies. The growth might be hard or soft, and it can turn into an abscess if left untreated. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. In severe situations of shock or dehydration, your dog may require intravenous fluid therapy. Mastitis can affect both spayed females and male dogs. She may also instruct you to apply warm compresses to the affected dog nipples and milk them out on a regular basis to clear the ducts. Montgomery glands, which assist lubricate the nipple, can be found on both males and womens nipples. When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she may notice that her areolas darken or grow larger. For example, your Frenchie could suffer with skin allergies (heres a comprehensive list) which flare up due to their diet, contact dermatitis, cleaning products in your home, fleas, or even pollen. If this is the case, take attention to how quickly she tires out on walks. What makes you think dog nipples would grow there? So keep an eye out if this happens, although it normally goes away a few weeks after the cycle ends. It isnt as prevalent in females of the breed as huge nipples, but it does happen. Your veterinarian will prescribe medications for your dog if mastitis has been confirmed. Cats have large litters, so on average, they have 6 to 10 nipples, she says. Mammary gland tumors come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from benign to malignant. (Basically, a female dog nearing the end of her heat will act as though she is pregnant, with her mammary glands expanding.) Mastitis is most common in the first two weeks after a puppy is born. Your veterinarian will most likely suggest a combination of therapies. The video made me laugh so hard that my son and I decided to make our own film to show how many nipples a Frenchie has. If you still have any concerns or queries, don't hesitate to reach out - We're here for you and your furry friends! You might have to feed them till Mom is feeling better. When the female goes into heat, she will have a number of physical changes, including swollen nipples. Frenchies are renowned for suffering a wide range of ailments, with allergies accounting for a large proportion of vet admissions. Where Can I Buy A Maltese Puppy For Cheap, What Age Do Dogs Start Losing Their Teeth. Swollen nipples and breasts The nipples and breasts swell occasionally, but not always. It typically occurs in Frenchies that have been feeding their puppies with breast milk but can also happen after a false pregnancy or even in some males. Because the hormones that drive dog mammary glands to develop during heat might induce aberrant growth, which can lead to cancer, this is the case. Through the opening in the teat, bacteria enter the gland, causing infection, inflammation, and other mastitis symptoms. Swollen nipples are mainly a female thing, so I will explain that first, then lower down talk about the possibilities of big nipples or teats in male Frenchies. link to Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See? To relieve some of the pain and prevent an abscess from forming, the milk from the infected teat will need to be expressed. However, there are times when there are an unusually large number of nipples.. Some people say you can feel for harder lumps under the nipples as a possible sigh, but please consult with your own vet. In most cases, the nipples will return to their normal size once the heat cycle is over, but its not uncommon for the teats to remain enlarged and permanently stay big. Mastitis is a condition in which the mammary glands of a dogs breasts become inflamed, usually as a result of a bacterial infection or milk buildup. Mastitis is a condition that affects female dogs who are breastfeeding. When a female is ready to mate, she will normally stand perfectly still as the male examines her vulva. Puppies cant survive on milk alone in the weeks following birth because they develop so quickly. We tried (badly) to count our own dogs. Look for evidence of a wound, as swelling can occur as the bodys natural way of treating an injury. Mastitis occurs when your French Bulldogs mammary glands get inflamed due to a bacterial infection. The number of nipples on a dog can range from six to twelve. Tumors of the mammary gland can vary in size, location, and color, such as red or purple. Handy Hint: Have you ever wondered how many nipples your Frenchie should have or even noticed an odd number of teats? We are the proud parents of Claude the French Bulldog. We have lots more on the site to show you. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. guide to French Bulldog phantom pregnancies. If you see your Frenchie licking her nipples or trying to get at them, and they have got bigger, this suggests there is some pain and discomfort. Humans only have two nipples because they only have one or two infants at a time. Frenchies that have been spayed before they have their first heat cycle are unlikely to develop large nipples as this bodily function is almost eradicated. Antibiotics and warm compresses applied to the afflicted teat may be used as treatments. Some of these allergies can result in swollen breasts. Benign tumors normally grow slowly and have a smooth texture. Consider it the canine equivalent of PMS. Mastitis in dogs, on the other hand, is easily cured if found early. This is the period where her body gets ready to become pregnant and have puppies. According to Live Science, Male and female embryos follow the same blueprint during the first several weeks, which includes the formation of nipples. This is before the genes that cause male genitalia to develop turn on; by then, according to Live Science, Those nipples arent going away any time soon.. I am one of Claude the French Bulldog's human parents. Ive blogged extensively about their health problems in the past, and that French Bulldog Owner is run by Marc and Jemma (with occasional input from our young son). Its possible that your dog is pregnant if she gets tired easily and spends more time napping. According to Dr. Chayasriwong, if there is an identical bump that is symmetrical to the initial bump, it is most likely a nipple. Larger dogs may have ten or twelve nipples. We own a male Frenchie but also regularly look after a female one too, and its hard not to notice the difference in their nipples. Handy Hint: I recently wrote a guide to French Bulldog phantom pregnancies which includes the signs to look out for and how you can help your female get through this tricky time. It doesnt necessarily mean shes pregnant. If puppies are present, they may require treatment as well if they are underweight and dehydrated. I am not a vet, so I am not going to advise you too much on this point other than the following statement: If you are at all concerned about your French Bulldogs nipples being enlarged, always consult with a professional vet no matter how minor you think the problem might be. If the mammary gland becomes infected or cannot be salvaged, surgery to remove it is indicated. Just keep in mind that if puppies do not nurse, milk supply will end after around three days. Your French Bulldogs nipples could be enlarged due to a serious health condition, possibly even cancer. I write about all the things we've learned about owning a Frenchie, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips I've picked up along the way. They arent always the most graceful of dogs and can get caught off balance and roll. However, it isnt confined to only intact female dogs. Malignant tumors are typically irregular in shape and grow quickly. If you suspect your dog has mastitis, take him or her to the vet as soon as possible. All those puppies must be fed, therefore there are lots of nipples to select from. We're proud to answer your questions and offer you tips, tricks and information through our free articles. When a dog is pregnant, may they develop extra nipples? Youll encounter mammary gland tumors in male dogs on rare instances, Dr. Chayasriwong says. Areolas come in a variety of sizes and colors, which are largely determined by hereditary factors. They will never return to the tiny size they were before puberty but will reduce down. Your veterinarian may order that your dogs water and food be withheld for 6-10 hours and up to 24 hours, respectively. Mood shift Some ladies experience a shift in mood and may even become touchy as their season approaches. A dog has the same number of nipples when it is born and when it dies. Big nipples and swollen breasts can be a sign of pregnancy. Mastitis, if left untreated, can cause septic shock and death in your dog. Thankfully weve never had to wonder why our French Bulldogs nipples were so big or have become enlarged. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. A huge concern people have before they get a Frenchie will be the range of health issues this breed can suffer with. This decline should be considered carefully by dogs who are normally lively. A French Bulldog has how many nipples? Mastitis develops when the mammary glands become infected. Mastitis, a bacterial illness that affects dog nipples, is another problem. Ask yourself if your female has been left alone with sexually active and non-neutered male dog. While the female recovers from acute septic mastitis, the puppies may need to be supplemented with formula. When there are an unusually large number of nipples do exist to notice a decline in energy in dogs be. To have problems with their mammary glands get inflamed due to a serious health condition possibly!, obvious pain, and mastitis is a condition that affects dog nipples grow. 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