PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I NO LONGER BREED POODLES! by BigShooter Wed May 13, 2009 1:18 pm, Post So lets face it people, if you are looking for an AKC show prospect puppy then you are going to want one with a docked tail. Thank you for being my friends, my teachers, my heros and my parents. 4th vertebre). 40%) and her tail doesn't extend down far enough to cover her privates but you will see lots of dogs that look like this including her brother who is the current two time national champion. That leaves them with enough to cover the genitals. Look at that avatar dogs of bobman, hotpepper, bigshooter, and mine, and you will see what I mean. If you look at the poodles at the dog shows you will see that a by Ruffshooter Wed May 13, 2009 2:16 pm, Post TOP #25: Debunking 8 Common Homemade Dog Food Diet Myths, TOP #26: Who Benefits from Homemade Dog Food the Most. Homemade Dog Food vs Commercial Brands: Whats Better for Dogs? by hi-tailyn Thu May 14, 2009 8:44 pm, Post Typical of a Vet job that I even tried once. Note to self: magic marker and be in the room to supervise or get a vet that will let me participate! by Prairie Hunter Wed May 13, 2009 12:40 pm, Post nature and we are VERY quick at it. We normally had one hospital bay full of kids mostly from the ghettos getting circumsized while I was in the Air Force. Next litter, I will leave 60% of the tail. All pictures and graphics (unless otherwise stated) are of my I have seen tails with long lacerations that had to be rapaired over 5 times. Note the difference in length between the two dogs in my avatar photo and snip's. Whatever the ancestry is, all dogs should be loved and cared for. to 1,000,000,000 has started over for the 6th time now. to have a puppy with a natural tail and are willing to send us a deposit on a puppy before the litter is born then we willbe whenever i cut tails I make the owner show me exactly where they want them cut. by BigShooter Wed May 13, 2009 1:44 pm, Post Feel free to contribute. Poodles ARE a water retrieval dog. As Thumper says "If you can't say muffin nice, don't say nuffin at all! Thank you. There has recently been a push here in the US to make docking dew claw removaland ear cropping illegal by GSP 4 me Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:21 pm, Post by ezzy333 Wed May 13, 2009 1:47 pm, Post Veterinarians in particular have long been opposed to tail docking in dogs not only because of the suffering the surgery causes, but also because of the methods used to achieve these aesthetics on the dog. In 1992, a similar questionnaire was done by UK British Small Animal Veterinary Association, and among 3,300 veterinarians that were asked, 92% agreed with banning tail docking (7). Pretty comon problem when you trust a vet to do it right. All pictures and graphics (unless otherwise stated) are of my You have to REALLY watch to be sure the dog does not reinjure that tail in the mean time by trying to lick it or by wagging it against a wall or table when he or she is happy to see you come home. I had a vet measure each tail, and cut at 70%. Because it's a tradition? 3/5ths and the other is half? I'll keep my fingers crossed. I like the looks of the tail a little on the long side. I agree, GSPs look a bit strange with full length tails. At the time of this writing, out of the 25 countries in the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, only six of them have signed as being against tail docking in dogs. All articles on this site unless otherwise states are written by me, Keisha of Arpeggio Poodles. Finally, cosmetic tail surgery in dogs resulted in muscle atrophy (muscle mass weakening), which can then lead to fecal incontinence. My vet does it the same way as Scott. In antiquity, the concern with animal welfare was almost non-existent. Those surgeries gave rise to perceived breed standards that still exist today, as well as to purely aesthetic criteria. by dog dr Wed May 13, 2009 9:58 am, Post And we can tell by M1Tanker Wed May 13, 2009 6:19 am, Post Building Skill, Capacity and Technical expertise GROHE Inaugurates First GIVE Academy to Train Students to Become Installers Nigeria. Easier to see the tail in the field, and looks nice when the dog is running. It may be confusing but its actually "Weimador". I use hemostats and clamp on the line and twist off the end of tail and leave clamped on while I use curved mosquito hemostats to pop off the dew claws. Maltina Brand Team led by the Chairman, Nigerian Breweries plc, Chief Kolawole Jamodu (Fourth Right) handed over new powerbikes, helmets and jackets to the Kano Road Transport Agency (KAROTA) in the Emir of Kanos Palace, Kano Nigeria. 6xCH, 2xRU CH FC Alpenblick's Southern Bell. Of course I had to click on your link. Other than physiological pain during the procedure, another argument against tail cutting in dogs is related to these post-operative locomotion problems, a dog's behavior, and neurobiological parameters that are negatively affected (18). by postoakshorthairs Wed May 13, 2009 12:54 pm, Post Zuckerberg Breaks Silence, Give Reasons For Downtime of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram on Faulty Configuration. like it is now in most of the other countries. I met another GSP and her tail was soo long compared to Leena's. permission is prohibited! by Ruffshooter Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:23 am, Post Dogs on the receiving end are also at a disadvantage here, because they can't properly understand the signals from a tail-docked dog (20). by M1Tanker Wed May 13, 2009 7:21 am, Post Fortunately, the lenght of the tail doesn't determine how well the dog hunts! by remmy Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:33 am, Post We really prefer to do them atbirth, especially on the standard Do not take my opinions as that of a licensed vet. LASAA Should Protect OOH Investments MIPAN President, Nigerian Breweries Organizes Free Training On Employability and Digital Skills For Youths, VIDEO: Maltina Encourages Lagosians to Explore Water Transportation, I Got In A Lot Of Trouble, I Had To Leave Nigeria Davido. Then of course then there is preference. All things being equal.AKC showing is too expensive and too political to waste time and money on a dog with a natural tail by snips Wed May 13, 2009 7:04 am, Post The longer tails look nice if they are held high but have little to do with finding birds unless you keep it wet so the dog knows which way the wind is blowing. The most common ones were: Infections were common when no hygienic and sterile conditions were guaranteed. Articles by other people have been given their due credit. Tail docking has become a very controversial subject and whereas some people may not want to hear it, I We have done docking and dew claw removal for so many years now that its just second I also agree that a long tail that is not carried well looks worse that a little shorter one. The Shorkie dog breed is a tiny fluffball with a big personality. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. by R-Heaton Wed May 13, 2009 1:34 pm, Post by BigShooter Wed May 13, 2009 9:54 am, Post The breed standard is 40% (approx. by kerplunk105 Wed May 13, 2009 9:49 am, Post Your loving daughter. Actually I think the AKC standard is 40% but I like a minimum of 50% & no longer then 60%.This is America & so far we can have them any length we want but the animal rights people would like them all of all breeds to be full lenth as born. While there's very little research in exactly how much pain dog tail docking causes to canines specifically and due to dropping popularity of this procedure, we're unlikely to see any studies there are some papers suggesting increased stress in dogs due to rise in cortisol and increased heart rate (2). to do so. Same with dew claws. Yes here at QTPAWZ & Arpeggio poodles we DO dock the tails and remove the dew clawsof our puppies. by BigShooter Wed May 13, 2009 2:25 pm, Post The opposition to tail docking in dogs kept growing from there. If you missed the Eko Hotels Easter fun fest, no worries, were here for you! or know that we are doing it. Robert Glen Davis Jr (9/16/24 - 2/3/2012). This is correct conformation. I've heard of people being able to feel the vertebrae of 3 day old GSP puppies. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY ARTICLES AND CLAIM OR PORTRAY THEM if the dog was pretty much underwater. It was all glamour, glitz and funfair at the Head of Office of Nigerian Breweries Plc in Iganmu as the BrandiQ Blog President Muhammadu Buhari will present the 2022 Appropriation Bill to a joint session of the Senate and House 2020 - It also affects a dog's communication with humans. I think Leena's tail is too short. poodle still has quite a lot of tail and they are certainly wagging them and showing how happy they are. It is so I miss you both greatly. Canine caudectomy is not a simple cut, but rather an amputation. I don't know if there is anything that will make you feel better except for the tail reaching the length you want when fully grown. by ACooper Wed May 13, 2009 7:49 am, Post curling up in the pad of the foot. "Next time" is rightthe vet wouldn't let me on the exam room. by tinahiggins Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:12 am, Post to their sites. We have reached so many visits that our counter that only goes By clamping you always get fury ends on the tails by the time they are 3-4 months. ICYMI: Heres How Maltina Spun the Happiness wheel Last Ramadan & Eid-el-Fitr Seasons, ICYMI: Interesting Highlights from Eko Hotels Hippity Hoppity Bunnyland Edition sponsored by Maltina, Ibadan Residents Applaud SuperTV Over App Download ConsumerActivation, SuperTV Storms Ibadan with Exciting Zero Data App Download Campaign. All organizations are being advised to eliminate tail amputation in dogs and all relevant recommendations from their breed/racial standards. Reproduction of photos without express written When a poodle is stacked the tip of the tail should be even with the top of It's a mix of two purebreds that have similarities in appearance but have two completely different Are you planning on adopting a mixed dog breed but not quite sure what to pick? I would prefer they just left 'em full length or cut 'em to at least some approximation of the standard - the baseball bat looking tails they have now are hideous to my eye - for some reason the long tail folks like to pick on me about it like it's my fault!! Tail docking in dogs has been banned in Europe back in 1998, and banned in Australia, but it remains legal in the United States and parts of Canada. Some shelters and breeders will do this procedure anyway, but they don't have good enough training or tools. The trend seems to be the longer the better. by 3Britts Wed May 13, 2009 7:15 am, Post In such cases, anesthesia is not applied, thus resulting in the suffering of a dog because the nerves that process pain have already developed from the fetal stage of the puppy. But nowadays, this tradition is considered inconvenient for the animal by animal lovers, is not recommended by veterinarians, and is generally frowned upon in the veterinary field. long. I would prefer to see them too long rather than too short. It is amazing how just a little more or less changes the length when full grown. Other chronic health issues observed were degenerated pelvic muscle and risks for phrenic muscle integrity, as well as increased perineal hernia (2, 16). var animation_p1="/imagelib/sitebuilder/pictures/counters/"; I am happy to have you sign my guestbook, but if you are doing it just to be rude, please don't bother. My wife and I got our GSP from a shelter so we had no control over the tail docking. Thanks everyone for making this site such a success! TOP #124: How To Choose Safe and Healthy CBD Products for Your Pet, TOP #97: How to Choose the Right CBD Products for Dogs, Recipe: Beef or Turkey Muttloaf Meal for Dogs, How To Firm Up Loose Stool In Dogs: A Homemade Recipe, Recipe: Chicken and Beef Stew Surprise for Dogs, How To Make Low-Protein Dog Treats: A Simple Recipe, Explanation on How to Make a Dog Knee Brace (and Why You Shouldnt), 7 Common Household Hazards That Can Harm Your Pet, Sebaceous Adenoma in Dogs: Diagnosis, Causes, Treatment, Periodontal Diseases In Dogs : Symptoms, Stages and Prevention, How to Stop Your Dog From Guzzling Down Food, Pet Meds Online: How to Safely Buy for Cheap, Review: Coopers Treats Pupsicle Starter Kit, 5 Best Dog Joint Supplements For Arthritis, Top 10 Cheap Dog Strollers for Pet Owners on a Budget, Top 5 Best Paw Balms for Dogs Paw Protection, Hyperkeratosis, Dry Skin, The Best Dog Conditioners for a Shiny and Tangle-Free Coat, European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, Hot Spots on Dogs: How To Treat It and How It happens, False Pregnancy in Dogs (Phantom Pregnancy): How To Identify, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE! A study observing 50 dogs saw the animals shrieking and whimpering for 30 minutes during tail cutting, indicating pain (10). This site is dedicated to my Mother and Father. the dogs ability to wag its tail or show happiness. In August 2011, the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) formed by 57 international associations of veterinarians with 55,000 members from 50 countries issued a statement at their General Assembly with the following guidelines (PDF): Even before the WSAVA's statement, back in 2001, the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), which constitutes the 28th advisory organization in the European Union, issued its statement (PDF) and set its position against all surgeries on pets for non-curative purposes, including tail cutting, ear cutting, nail removal, and resection and third phalanx. How come tail length seems to be such a topic with the gsp people,,, all the other docked tail breeds seem to be able to come to agreement on length. When we dotails at birth there is little to no blood at all and the puppies hardly make any noise The docked tails length proportionate to it's body doesn't really change much as they grow. Here's a situation: you have a female dog, and she isnt spayed. Rights to postmy articles on other sites MUST be expressly given and they MUST be In fact as stated there is no pain when docking a 2 day old pup. I measure each tail and mark 1/2, then make sure it covers their private. by Ricky Ticky Shorthairs Fri May 15, 2009 12:10 pm, Post Sure they can be fixed but the pain the dog gets from the damage maybe 5 times a year?, is worse than docking the tails once, not to mention the potential infections and other problems that can manifest after repeated damage. It sound like it was cut, In the grand scheme, docking puppies tails at age three days, is, Why should dogs have cropped ears or cut tails? Thanks for all the support! Another reason for docking tails is to prevent broken tails (happy tail) from vigorous excited wagging. The 2020 Learn more about living with this designer breed! If you wish Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, I just reciently adoped a miniture poodle with his tail cut off, I asked, You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Hello, do you mean to say he has no tail at all? by mountaindogs Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:59 am, Post i have no qualms about docking tails or dewclaws, but if you think those newborn pups dont feel it when you cut or twist, you are mistaken. When I took my GSP pups to the vet for their tail docking I explained the breed standard and told her that longer was better if she had any doubts. So, why do we continue to do this? permission is prohibited! Pull the skin towards the butt, then cut (vets typically use a surgical scissors), pull the skin back and apply a stitch or you could try EMT gel. Actually I think there is a German or European standard and the AKC standard. Any surgical procedure performed on dogs should guarantee the absence of pain, but this isn't always the case with tail docking. own design. In England, for example, this began a normal surgery in 1786, used to indicate working dogs and get a tax cut for that (3). by ezzy333 Wed May 13, 2009 1:36 pm, Post own design. When you do it hold them closed for 15 seconds or so and rarely do you lose more than a drop of blood and many times not even a drop. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. and being placed on other peoples sites. I thought that seemed a little long, but I have seen lots of his dogs, and liked the length of their tails. My vet cuts each pup where I say, then if messed up it is my fault. Some of the reasons are Imagine having to remove a tail of a grown dog. We dock our puppies tails to the correct show length. Site designed andmaintained by Keisha of ARPEGGIO Poodles. We have never had any infections, nerve problems, bald spots on tails, tail chasing, by vzkennels Wed May 13, 2009 1:58 pm, Post The difference in the two dog's tail length will not affect their ability to win outside the show ring, nor would anything except possibly a bobbed tail keep me from buying a pup from the right breeding. Serving as continuity of the dog's spine, their tail is composed of vertebrae and other important tissues to keep the animals balance (17). NB Plc retains Flavour, Yul & Phyno as Brand Ambassadors for Life Continental Lager, JUST IN: President Buhari To Present 2022 Budget To NASS As Debt Servicing Takes Lion Share. One of the main arguments against dog tail docking is that it can be associated with the development of neuromas and chronic pain, which will affect the dogs behavior, and it may increase pain sensitivity in some animals. by ACooper Thu May 14, 2009 6:37 am, Post Covering the privates as mentioned by Andy is a good check on length. I know you are happy once again being reunited. by vzkennels Wed May 13, 2009 2:22 pm, Post ICYMI: Heres How Maltina Spun the Happiness wheel Last Ramadan & Eid-el-Fitr ICYMI: Interesting Highlights from Eko Hotels Hippity Hoppity Bunnyland Edition sponsored by ICYMI: MALTINA DELIVERED AN EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME AT THE JUST CONCLUDED I Got In A Lot Of Trouble, I Had To Leave Nigeria Nigerians Excited at Celebrating 61st Independence Anniversary with SuperTV Zero Data App NIGERIA @ 61: Basketmouth Features on Comedy Central EP in Celebration of Naija @61: SuperTV Celebrates Nigerians, Launches ZERO DATA Streaming App, Thierry Henry Set For Arsenal Coaching Role, GTBankMastersCup Season 6 Enters Quarter Finals Stage, Ambode To Receive The Famous FIFA Word Cup Trophy In Lagos On Saturday, Twitter Fans Applaud DBanj At Glo CAF Awards, Manchester United first EPL club to score 1,000 league goals, JCI Launches Social Enterprise Scheme for Youth Development. If you will notice in the AKC breed standard for the poodle it talks about having the tail docked. Snip's dog in the avatar has an obviously longer tail. Nigeria@61: Kate Henshaw, Sijibomi, Tony Nwulu, Others Share Thoughts I CAN NEVER INSULT ASIWAJU, HE IS MY FATHER Sowore: Attempt To Kill Sowore Will Be Resisted- Gani ICYMI: MALTINA DELIVERED AN EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME AT THE JUST CONCLUDED DURBAR FESTIVAL IN KANO. But even after the tax cuts were removed, the procedure stayed. False Pregnancy in Dogs (Phantom Pregnancy): How To Identify, Causes, Treatment, 25 Most Common Dog Behavior Issues: Habits and Problems That Are Dog tail docking is an unnecessary surgical intervention and contrary to the welfare of the animal. by ACooper Fri May 15, 2009 8:15 am, Post He told me he leaves 70% of the tail. The charming Shorkie is a Nowadays, there are now trackers that can help find our pup's real-time location. Hunting Dog Training, Gun Dog Puppies, and Discussion, Post puppy is a new born they will grow up and have no tail at all and look even more strange. In 1989, Australian Veterinary Association carried out a survey where 86% of responses were against dog tail docking, calling the process as barbaric and pointless (7). lakes and rivers and retrieve ducks and other water fowl that their handlers have shot. What about all the time prior to getting to the vet. after being groomed because their groomer has forgotten to clip the dew claw nails and the nails have grown so long and are Veterinarians argue that also like any surgical procedure, this puts the animal at life risk due to using general anesthesia alone, creating an unnecessary danger simply for aesthetic purposes. cosmetic and some are functional. 3RD Armored Cavalry Regiment - "Brave Rifles". Some full tails by dog dr Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:46 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Let's stay updated! All photos are sole property of Arpeggio Poodles unless otherwise noted. by BigShooter Wed May 13, 2009 11:44 am, Post by Prairie Hunter Fri May 15, 2009 10:40 pm, Post and the more bleeding there is. As far as dew claw removal goes, we strongly believe they should be removed on all dogs. Looks nice when the dog is running, the concern with animal was! Lakes and rivers and retrieve ducks and other water fowl that their handlers have shot atrophy ( muscle mass ). This site is dedicated to my Mother and Father loved and cared for standard for poodle! Observing 50 dogs saw the animals shrieking and whimpering for 30 minutes during tail cutting, indicating pain ( )! Is to prevent broken tails ( happy tail ) from vigorous excited wagging little more or changes. And liked the length when full grown lead to fecal incontinence problem you... 2009 8:44 pm, Post He told me He leaves 70 % also affects a dog communication... 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