OpenJDK's container awareness detection uses Linux's control group (cgroup) filesystem to detect enforced resource quotas. Verwenden Sie zum Erstellen eines benutzerdefinierten Java-Runtime-Images eine Dockerfile hnlich dem folgenden Beispiel: Weitere Informationen zum Erstellen benutzerdefinierter Java-Runtimes finden Sie unter Java-Runtimes mit jlink. Note that there are two different implementations of the detection logic: One for the JVM ( and another implemented in Java for use of core libraries. Empfehlenswert sind OpenJDK-Builds und Docker-Base-Images von AdoptOpenJDK (bzw. You signed in with another tab or window. Container engine options, in turn, set resource limits via the Linux cgroup pseudo-filesystem. B. die spezifische Nebenversion des JDK verwenden, um auf einer bestimmten Version zu bleiben. Die Einfachheit und Verstndlichkeit dieser Version hat aber durchaus auch ihre Vorzge. Welches JDK sollte man im Docker-Image also verwenden? Percentage of real memory used for initial heap size, Maximum percentage of real memory used for maximum heap size, Minimum percentage of real memory used for maximum heap size on systems with small physical memory, CPU count that the VM should use and report as active, Enable detection and runtime container configuration support. How you upgrade Jenkins is dependent upon your original Jenkins installation method. Wer hier optimieren muss, sollte einen Blick auf Googles distroless (Docker-Image: mit 197MByte werfen. If you use Docker containers to run Jenkins, the default Docker containers use Java 11 beginning with Jenkins 2.303.1. Keep in mind that cgroup v2 support is only available in Java 17+ for now, although it will also be in OpenJDK 11u soon. Wie lassen sich stabile Docker-Images fr Java-Anwendungen erstellen und diese robust und performant in Containern betreiben? In such a case, it is recommended that you override the desired CPU core value via -XX:ActiveProcessorCount. A setting of spec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu=2 makes the JVM use two CPU cores, and so on. Als Abonnent unseres Newsletters erfahren Sie als erstes von neuen Beitrgen auf A container is different from a desktop or server because quite often the Java process is the only one running in that container. Seit der genderten Lizenz- und eingeschrnkten Support-Politik seitens Oracle haben einige Hersteller (z. Fr die Referenzimplementierung des freien OpenJDK gibt es nach sechs Monaten keine Security-Updates mehr, auch nicht fr die LTS-Versionen (Long-Term Support). That means if cgroup limits are in place, the OperatingSystemMXBean reports those limits (as appropriate) over the container host system resources. As it is using the container-aware OperatingSystemMXBean, it will show information about either the physical host or the container resources, depending on the environment in which it is running: Compiling and running the program displays the resources available to it: In some cases, the OpenJDK default settings for memory and CPU usage might not be the desired settings for applications running in containers. Default container detection heuristics for CPU resource limits are largely modeled on the way popular container orchestration frameworksspecifically Kubernetes and Mesosspawn containers. A stable, proven foundation that's versatile enough for rolling out new applications, virtualizing environments, and creating a secure hybrid cloud. In this article, you'll learn why container awareness is useful, what has changed recently in that area of OpenJDK, and what diagnostic options are available to help developers gain insight into how the JVM determines settings. Der Zwischenschritt RUN dependency:go-offline sorgt brigens dafr, dass die Maven-Dependencies nur bei einer genderten pom.xml neu geladen werden, da Docker beim Build sogenannte Intermediate Layers verwendet. Amazon, Alibaba und Microsoft) eigene JDK-Varianten entwickelt. Widerrufsmglichkeiten erhalten Sie in unserer Windows Server Core) als zugrunde liegendes Base-Image, und das Image hat eine beachtliche Gre von 247MByte, was aufgrund des Cachings der Docker Layer in der Praxis aber kein Problem darstellen sollte. Therefore, the JVM will calculate the CPU shares value based on this knowledge. Similarly, resource limits for RAM exist via container orchestration frameworks. Open, hybrid-cloud Kubernetes platform to build, run, and scale container-based applications -- now with developer tools, CI/CD, and release management. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. You can also configure this plugin to automatically disconnect any agent with an incorrect JVM version. Some months ago, @juan-medina contributed in the project adding the Docker Support for testing. In addition, the JVM will set a lower bound on a CPU core value of 1. The problem solvers who create careers with code. You can validate the version of each agent with the Versions Node Monitors plugin. All agents must be running on the same JVM version as the controller (because of how controllers and agents communicate). Note that these rules cause the JVM to think it can use only one CPU core for the final case in the list, where neither option is explicitly set. If you discover a previously unreported issue, please let us know: read. If youre upgrading your Jenkins controller to run on Java 11, you also need to upgrade the JVM on your agents. Whrend zum Kompilieren noch das komplette JDK bentigt wird, reicht die JRE zur Laufzeit aus. The Red Hat build of OpenJDK is a free and supportable open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). This wrapper is not compatible with some plugins (ssh) Switch to Java 9 was OK. When Java processes are deployed in such an environment, cgroup limits might be set for the deployed process. There are a few details and steps to upgrade the JVM used to run Jenkins, more specifically from Java 8 to Java 11. Um diese Images zu verwenden, erstellen Sie eine Dockerfile mit den folgenden Inhalten: Wenn Sie lieber eine andere Betriebssystembasisimageverteilung verwenden mchten, knnen Sie das JDK aus einem vorhandenen vordefinierten Image mithilfe der COPY --from Anweisung in einer Dockerfile kopieren, hnlich wie im folgenden Beispiel: Sie knnen das JDK auch mit einem yum oder oder apt-getoder oder einfach extrahieren oder einfach eine tar.gz Datei extrahieren und entsprechend konfigurieren JAVA_HOME . Kubernetes and many other popular cloud orchestration systems let deployments limit container resources via CPU and memory quotas. Kubernetes-native Java with low memory footprint and fast boot times for microservices and serverless applications. Sign in The JVM's container detection logic is integrated with the unified logging framework and can be traced for example via -Xlog:os+container=trace. These resource limits affect, for example, the garbage collection (GC) algorithm selected by the JVM, the default size of the heap, the sizes of thread pools, and how default parallelism is determined for ForkJoinPool. Its important not just to upgrade Jenkins and the JVM but also to upgrade the plugins which support Java 11. Container detection support can also be disabled entirely using the -XX:-UseContainerSupport option. OpenJDK has been aware of Linux containers (such as Docker and Podman, as well as container orchestration frameworks such as Kubernetes) for some time. Starting with the 2.357 weekly release, Java 11 is required for weekly releases. Since Java 14, the OperatingSystemMXBean uses the JDK's internal, Linux-specific Metrics Java API to report system information. B. IBM, SAP und Azul) sowie Cloud-Anbieter (bspw. These traces print whether or not container detection is actually working and what values the JVM is determining to be in place by inspecting the cgroup pseudo filesystem of a deployed application. Trace logs can be quite useful for helping you better understand what OpenJDK's container detection logic is doing. If you run Java 11 or Java 8 on a system that has only cgroups v2 , no container detection will be in place and the host values will be used instead. If no cgroup v2 support is presentif you were working with Java 11, for examplethe -XshowSettings:system output would look like this: If no system metrics are detected, the JVM process falls back to using host operating system settings. If you need to upgrade Jenkins as well as the JVM, we recommend that you: Upgrade Jenkins to the most recent version. OpenJDK needs to consider multi-user desktop and server systems as well as container use cases, among other things. Zudem eignen sich die LTS-Versionen (derzeit Version 11) fr den produktiven Einsatz, da hierfr langfristig Security-Fixes bereitgestellt werden. Note: Container awareness in OpenJDK can be disabled with the in the-XX:-UseContainerSupport JVM option. Those limits translate into options that are passed to the container engine when containers are deployed. Das digitale Abo fr IT und Technik. Oracle JDK 11 licensing prevents the Jenkins community from listing the Oracle JDKs. montags und donnerstags - alles von heise Developer. Java and containers: What's there to think about? Between Java 11 and Java 17, the most prominent two additions are cgroups v2 support and container awareness in the OperatingSystemMXBean. If more than one CPU is active and sufficient memory (at least 2GB) is allocated to the container, the G1 GC will be selected in Java 11 and later versions: Other options include the jcmd utility, which is useful for determining the container detection settings of an already running Java process. Wenn Sie beispielsweise das pt_BR.UTF-8 Gebietsschema fr ein Ubuntu-basiertes Image verwenden mchten, knnen Sie Ihrer Dockerfile folgende Zeilen hinzufgen: Diese Dockerfile-Datei wird als Beispiel bereitgestellt und soll nicht die optimalen Konfigurationen vorschlagen. As with any upgrade, we recommend backing up JENKINS_HOME and testing the upgrade with the backup before performing the upgrade on your production instance. In einem Docker-Container muss also eine Java-Laufzeitumgebung (JRE) vorhanden sein. Die Bilder werden in der Microsoft Container Registry verffentlicht, die sich unter Digital und mobil - Ihr Fachwissen immer zur Hand mit unserer App. This plugin provides information about the JVM version of each agent on the node management screen of your Jenkins instance. Epson DS-790WN im Test: Autonomer Netzwerk-Einzugscanner mit Touchscreen, So vereinen Sie Signal, Whatsapp und Twitter auf einem Server, Make-Projekt: ESP32-Orgel mit Piano-Tastatur bauen, Elektroautos: Tipps zur Schonung der Batterie, Ratgeber: Elektroauto mit Solar-berschuss laden, genderten Lizenz- und eingeschrnkten Support-Politik seitens Oracle. To fix this problem, weve bundled those libraries into a new detached plugin: JAXB plugin. Aus Sicherheitsgrnden wird die Anwendung nicht als root-User gestartet. Verwenden Sie den folgenden Befehl, um das neueste Bild fr ein bestimmtes Tag abzurufen: Die folgende Tabelle zeigt das Tag, das fr Ihre Linux-Verteilung und JDK-Version verwendet werden soll. You can also watch Java and containers: What's there to think about?, a DevNation Tech Talk from Christine Flood and Edson Yanaga. When a Jenkins controller runs on Java 11, the Java Web Start button will no longer appear in the Web UI. spec.containers[].resources.requests.memory usually doesn't have an effect on the spawned containers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt "Installieren auf Ubuntu 18.04+" des Microsoft Build of OpenJDK. Besuchen Sie unsere OpenJDK-Diskussionsseite auf GitHub , um uns Ihr Feedback zu senden. Use a package manager to install the new JVM. For more information on how the Kubernetes deployment configuration can have an effect on OpenJDK's selection of a GC algorithm on a cgroups v2 system, check out my screencast on this topic: The screencast demonstrates that OpenJDK might behave slightly differently depending on your application's deployment in a container. Derzeit stellen wir Linux-basierte Containerimages fr Ubuntu 20.04 und Microsoft CBL-Mariner bereit. These options are -XX:InitialRAMPercentage, -XX:MaxRAMPercentage, and -XX:MinRAMPercentage. The JVM will calculate the limitas set by (L)based on the formula ceil(Q/P). There are actually even more possibilities because cluster defaults might be in place, but those are largely also covered by these cases: Container orchestration frameworks usually multiply the millicore value of spec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu by 1024, which then directly translates to the value set in Docker or Podman by the --cpu-shares command-line option. Epsons Einzugscanner DS-790WN digitalisierte im Test in einer Minute 40 doppelseitige Vorlagen. I recommend to remove obsolete Gradle features and to upgrade Gradle version prior updating JDK, because I think new Gradle versions have fixes for newer Java. The content driving this site is licensed under the Creative Wenn Sie ein anderes Gebietsschema oder ein anderes Basisimage wie zuvor beschrieben verwenden mchten, mssen Sie Umgebungsvariablen in Ihrer eigenen Dockerfile manuell konfigurieren und sicherstellen, dass das gewnschte Gebietsschema installiert ist. For OpenJDK 8u JVMs, the rough equivalent is -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintContainerInfo. If youre upgrading the JVM used to run Jenkins, and particularly if youre upgrading from Java 8 to Java 11, there are some details you should know and precautions you should take. Senden Sie uns Ihre Kommentare, Gedanken und Ideen, um uns bei der Verbesserung des Microsoft Build of OpenJDK zu helfen. On nodes using cgroup v2, memory.min or memory.low might be set accordingly. Das beschleunigt den Build-Prozess in der Regel erheblich. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Some plugins use JAXB libraries provided by the JDK. Wir erklren, wie das geht. For example, in a Kubernetes container with a memory limit of 800MB RAM, a default -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=25, probably doesn't make as much sense as it would on a multi-user desktop system, because the maximum heap size would be bound above by 200MB RAM (one-quarter of 800MB) of that 800MB container. Im Container sollte fr das Ausfhren der Anwendung die gleiche Version des JDK (Distribution, Version und Architektur) wie bei der Kompilierung und den Tests genutzt werden, um zur Laufzeit keine berraschungen beispielsweise durch vernderte Klassenversionen oder nderungen im Classpath zu erhalten. Test and merge plugin-based template project. Diese pflegen Security-Patches nach und ergnzen das JDK (Java Development Kit) beispielsweise um eigene Root-Zertifikate. As an alternative, we encourage you to use containers based on images that contain all the tooling needed for your builds. Er scannt in die Cloud, aufs Smartphone oder an Mailadressen. Setting these percentage options when the application runs in a container is preferable to setting maximum and minimum heap size for your application via -Xmx and -Xms, respectively. In den bisherigen Beispielen wurde die Java-Anwendung (app.jar) in einem vorherigen Schritt (in der Regel durch eine Continuous Integration Pipeline) erstellt. Das Oracle JDK darf ohne kostenpflichtige Lizenzierung auf keinen Fall in Produktion eingesetzt werden. To tune OpenJDK for the typical container use case, options have been introduced with JDK-8186248 (and in OpenJDK 8u with JDK-8146115) that specifically allow you to set heap sizes in percentages of available (container) memory to better fit this specific use case. Ausfhrliche Informationen zum Versandverfahren und zu Ihren EDIT: Hmmm, the latest Gradle version is 4.10, so the removal is not needed yet, but it would be a nice future-proofing. Eine Java-Anwendung wird zur Laufzeit in einer Java Virtual Machine (JVM) ausgefhrt. There are no plans to replace this functionality. In containers, JFR information can be accessed via Cryostat. Note: In versions 18.0.2 and newer, OpenJDK will no longer take CPU shares settings into account for its calculation of available CPU cores. Here's an example: Other ways to figure out the cgroup configuration in use include the jcmd utility (in the section "container (cgroup) information") or the -Xlog:os+container=debug JVM option. When both types of settings are in place, -Xmx and -Xms take precedence. However, the java.xml.bind and javax.activation modules are no longer included in OpenJDK 11, and plugins might fail if no replacement is offered. As of this writing, Java 17 is the only long-term support release that supports both cgroups v1 and cgroups v2 configurations. Learn how this powerful open-source tool helps you manage components across containers in any environment. Note: Most of this information is also available via JDK Flight Recorder (JFR), a powerful tool for diagnosing issues. Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license. Folgen Sie uns fr News und Hintergrnde rund um und teilen Sie Ihre persnlichen Eindrcke mit uns, Digital und mobil Ihr Fachwissen immer zur Hand mit unserer App. You cant launch agents for a Java 11 Jenkins server from a *.jnlp file downloaded to a web browser. Durch Einfhrung von Multi-Stage Docker Builds kann dieser Schritt aber auch im Rahmen des Docker-Build-Prozesses erfolgen, hier als Beispiel das Dockerfile mit Maven: Die Angabe der gleichen JDK- beziehungsweise JRE-Version stellt sicher, dass die Build- und Laufzeitversionen zusammenpassen. Develop applications on the most popular Linux for the enterpriseall while using the latest technologies. I needed to use Signal from internal JDK package at the time, but this is not the case anymore. Sagen Sie uns Ihre Meinung! To prefer shares over CPU quota, specify the -XX:-PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount option (see JDK-8197867 for more on this). Another important option for overriding CPU settings when running inside containers is -XX:ActiveProcessorCount. This feature has also been backported to Java 8 (8u272 and newer) and Java 11 (11.0.9 and newer). This, in turn, would disable container awareness of OperatingSystemMXBean. ber "Bridges" lassen sich verschiedene Messenger einbinden. Dieser Browser wird nicht mehr untersttzt. The cgroup information shown via is the same information recorded in hs_err*.log files when the JVM crashes. When any Jenkins core more recent than 2.163 is running on Java 11, this plugin is automatically installed. One quick way to show which cgroup version is in use on a system is the -XshowSettings:system option of the java launcher. Um Layer-Caching zu verwenden, wird der COPY-Befehl zudem erst ganz zum Schluss ausgefhrt. This problem is tracked in the issue JENKINS-54305. Die Bilder fr Microsoft Build of OpenJDK sind standardmig mit dem en_US.UTF-8 Gebietsschema konfiguriert. Because of this licensing restriction, Oracle JDK 11 cant be automatically installed by Jenkins. {{loadedArticle.publishedAt | daymonthyear}}, Sagen Sie uns Ihre Meinung! Make sure the default JVM is the newly installed version. spec.containers[].resources.limits.memory translates to the memory and memory-swap command-line options of container engines. Containerize .NET applications without writing Dockerfiles, How to configure Helm charts using JKube, part 2, Red Hat Developer roundup: Best of July 2022, SaaS security in Kubernetes environments: A layered approach. If you're interested in learning more about the ins and outs of fine-tuning Java in container-based environments, read the first article in this series, Java in single-core containers, or check out Red Hat Developer's recent series on Cryostat. Eclipse Adoptium), einem Zusammenschluss mehrerer Java User Groups und Firmen, mit dem Ziel, verlssliche Builds des OpenJDK fr unterschiedliche Plattformen anzubieten. Per Matrix-Client verschickt man Nachrichten per WhatsApp oder Twitter. Note that if both spec.containers[].resources.limits.cpu and spec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu are specified, the limits value takes precedence. Plugin upgrades assure compatibility with the most recent Jenkins releases. Daher mssen Sie Tools wie z apt-getyum . Weitere CBL-Mariner Betriebssystemimages basierend auf RPM/yum finden Sie weiter unten in diesem Artikel. Java und OpenJDK sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken von Oracle und/oder dessen Tochtergesellschaften. Aktuelle Infos zu Events, Trainings & mehr bequem in deiner Inbox. In diesem Bash-Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie Das Bild auf eine ltere Version zurckgesetzt msopenjdk-11 wird, sagen Sie 11.0.11+9-1: Verwenden Sie die folgenden Befehle, um die gleiche Vorgehensweise in Ihrer Dockerfile-Datei auszufhren: In diesem Bash-Beispiel werden basierte Bilder verwendet CBL-Mariner : Derzeit stellen wir keine windowsbasierten Containerimages bereit. See JDK-8281181 for details. Fhren Sie ein Upgrade auf Microsoft Edge durch, um die neuesten Features, Sicherheitsupdates und den technischen Support zu nutzen. Ausgabe: {{loadedArticle.issue.designation}}, ber 10.000 Fachbeitrge, Magazine, E-Books, Artikelserien und Kolumnen sowie ein umfassendes Archiv, berall lesen - auf dem Desktop, mobil oder in der App. This will make the JVM use reasonable values for CPU cores in the first three cases. Fr Ubuntuund andere Debian-basierte Bilder knnen Sie alle verfgbaren Nebenversionen anzeigen, die in den Microsoft Linux-Repositorys verffentlicht wurden, wie im folgenden Bash-Beispiel mit Befehlen und Ausgabe dargestellt. Table 1 summarizes some useful options for tuning JVM settings when running in a container. AdoptOpenJDK nutzt Ubuntu (bzw. Java 17: Whats new in OpenJDK's container awareness, Red Hat Developer's recent series on Cryostat. Dieses Dockerfile lsst sich so in Produktion durchaus verwenden, wenngleich man es, wie im Folgenden beschrieben, noch weiter optimieren kann. OpenJDK container awareness has been available in Java 17 and Java 11 since their respective general availability (GA) releases, and in Java 8u starting with update 8u202. Have a question about this project? Join us if youre a developer, software engineer, web designer, front-end designer, UX designer, computer scientist, architect, tester, product manager, project manager or team lead. Das obige Listing zeigt ein einfaches Dockerfile mit der JRE (Java Runtime Environment) von AdoptOpenJDK. The following file, named, displays information about the system on which it is running. Immer mehr Wissen. Dieser Artikel enthlt Informationen zu den verfgbaren Containerimages fr den Microsoft Build of OpenJDK. to your account. Microsoft Build of OpenJDK-Containerimages sind nur unter den zuvor aufgefhrten Tags verfgbar. distributionUrl= That is, a container with a setting of spec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu=500m makes the JVM use a single CPU core (0.5 * 1024 = 512, generating an option of --cpu-shares=512; cpu-shares < 1024 results in one core). For example, when container limits allow only a single CPU to be active, the Serial GC will be selected. With the help of this article, you can now make more sense of why. Validate the upgrade to confirm that all plugins and jobs are loaded, Upgrade the required plugins (see Upgrading Plugins), Make a second backup of JENKINS_HOME after upgrading Jenkins and the required plugins, Upgrade the JVM on which Jenkins is running. Ein Tutorial. Folgen Sie uns fr News und Hintergrnde rund um die Entwickler Akademie und teilen Sie Ihre persnlichen Eindrcke mit uns. Datenschutzerklrung. (This option is Linux-specific.) The Linux kernel ensures that when resource limits are in place via the cgroup, no process goes beyond those limits (at least not for extended periods of time). Memory request settings have no effect on the JVM side other than reporting those values for diagnostics. It is necessary to upgrade Dockerfile to OpenJDK 11: The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: It is necessary to review in detail the results. DevOps involves the combination of cultural change, process automation, and tools to improve your time-to-market. If the Java Virtual Machine does not take configured cgroup limits into account, it might risk trying to consume more resources than the operating system is willing to provide to it. For Java 11+ it's also useful to know which GC is being used, and you can display this information via -Xlog:gc=info. privacy statement. Next September 2018, OpenJDK will release OpenJDK 11, the next LTS version of Java. Since Java 15, OpenJDK detects the cgroup version in use and detects limits according to cgroup version-specific settings. berzeug dich selbst von unserem Angebot und sicher dir deinen kostenlosen Gratismonat. The result could be the unexpected termination of the Java process. As explained earlier, this might yield unexpected application behavior in containerized deployments. Java Web Start has been removed in Java 11. iX Magazin fr professionelle Informationstechnik, MIT Technology Review Das Magazin fr Innovation von Heise, c't Fotografie - Das Magazin rund ums digitale Bild, Mac & i Nachrichten, Tests, Tipps und Meinungen rund um Apple, Optimierung Container-basierter Java-Anwendungen, File Sharing im Job ohne Sicherheitsrisiko, Kundenservice mit knstlicher Intelligenz, Zusammen das Data Center weiterentwickeln. The -XX options set the heap size relative to the container memory limits and get updated automatically on redeployment should those limits change in the deployment configuration. However, if you manage your plugins outside Jenkins (for example, if you use plugins.txt in your Docker images), you might need to install the plugin explicitly. Die hier gezeigten Befehle gehen davon aus, dass das Microsoft Linux-Repo konfiguriert ist, wie unter "Install on Ubuntu 18.04+" beschrieben. Already on GitHub? These instructions will still apply to the Long Term Support release line until September 2022, when the LTS release line will mirror the weekly release line Java requirements. For example, in a Kubernetes setup, there are four (main) cases to consider when CPU resource limits are in place. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Ein groer Vorteil von Container-Images ist, dass Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler die bentigte Java-Version genau definieren und testen knnen. We recommend that you use the package manager of your system (such as apt or yum). Weitere Informationen. Um bestimmte Versionen auf verschiedenen Basisbetriebssystemimages zu installieren, knnen Sie beispielsweise debian:buster-slimdenselben Ansatz entweder in der ersten Phase eines Muli-Phasen-Containerimagebuilds oder als Teil eines herkmmlichen Linux-Paketinstallationsablaufs verwenden. Feel free to tune your application's container settings so as to get the most out of your cloud deployment. Note, however, that there is currently work ongoing to backport cgroups v2 support to OpenJDK 11. If it is not, run systemctl edit jenkins and set either the JAVA_HOME environment variable or the JENKINS_JAVA_CMD environment variable. Wir verffentlichen keine Tags fr Nebenversionen, und die Hauptversionstags verfgen immer ber die neueste Nebenversion, um sicherzustellen, dass Entwickler immer ber das neueste Update fr eine bestimmte Hauptversion verfgen.
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how to upgrade java version in docker container