Whether you are owning a dog for the very first time or you are simply choosing a Samoyed for the first time, it is important to prepare yourself before your puppy or rescue dog arrives. Whether or not a certain dog breed is right for you will depend on what you are looking for out of a dog. Finally, since Samoyeds can be challenging to train, it is worth considering whether you may want to hire a professional dog trainer to help you with puppy training. Hopefully someone provides a more detailed answer, but I wanted to touch on a couple things. There are plenty of breeds that are not necessarily the most popular, but most likely would be an excellent choice for first-time dog owners. If you want a lap dog then a spitz wont be right for you, if youre willing to change your life to have a spitz then it could work out. If They are one of the few breeds that actually have the intelligence to be considered a good dog breed and they can learn things. They are also incredibly energetic and are bred for rigorous, regular exercise. Each breed has qualities that make them a desirable choice for a first-time dog owner but not necessarily for all people who want a pet dog. As you They do this not out of some kind of desire for revenge. If so, then perhaps a first dog isnt the right choice for you. Samoyeds are famous for their cute, cloud-like appearance but their beautiful double coat comes with a lot of work. The health of your dog is just as delicate and predisposed to germs and illnesses like any other living thing. Samoyeds are incredibly clever and pick up new tricks easily. This will require both patience and consistency on the owners part. There are many great first-time dogs, but if you like what you know about Samoyeds, I highly suggest getting one. Do Australian Shepherds Like to Cuddle (Are They Aggressive)? As White Magic Samoyeds breeder explains, your number one criteria for choosing your Samoyed should always be temperament. They are very social dogs that require lots of attention. If you take things slow and teach them that the infant is a friend, family, or part of their pack, they will learn to love and be protective of the child. What is unusual is when it becomes aggressive toward both humans and other dogs. You will find forums scattered with people seeking advice for what to do about their shrill barking pets. Having a dog that loves obedience and learning can make a huge difference and help you get acclimated more quickly. While Samoyed puppies dont need grooming (though its helpful to get them used to grooming brushes while theyre young), regular grooming is a must once they become an adult. The Samoyed dog breed is said to be one of the most primitive and ancient of all modern primitive dog breeds. I have owned a few parakeets, but I understand that owning a dog is a totally different dimension, maintenance and patience-wise. This breed will allow you to have a loyal and trustworthy friend to love. This means that they do not need to be groomed as often as the other dog breeds. For this reason, a Samoyed would only be a good first dog for you if youre willing to dedicate plenty of time, energy and patience into training your Samoyed. Keeping them entertained and active will prevent unwanted behaviors such as digging and excessive barking. As long as you have the time to give them their exercise, socialization, and grooming needs they will be a wonderful first dog. Having been around dogs my whole life, I knew that getting a dog would be a big commitment and waited until we owned a house before getting Cotton. It is best to introduce them slowly and make sure they get enough outside time for active play and physical exercise. Know the Unique Health Dangers of Samoyed Dogs in Puppyhood, What a Samoyed Dog Needs to Be Happy As a Pet Dog, How to Choose Your Samoyed Puppy or Rescue Dog, Consider Working With a Professional Dog Trainer, Are Samoyed Smart: Find Out What Type of Smarts a Samoyed Has, When Do Samoyeds Calm Down: The Truth About This Active Working Dog Breed, Are Samoyed Good Apartment Dogs: Find Out If Your Home Is Big Enough for Samoyed Dogs, Are Samoyeds Good With Other Dogs: Why These Dogs Enjoy Canine Company, How Many Puppies Do Maltese Have in a Litter: Interesting Facts About Maltese Maternity, When Do Maltese Stop Growing: What to Expect As Your Puppy Grows Up. Samoyeds want to be friends with everyone, are great with kids and incredibly cute. However, if you have your heart set on a Samoyed for your first pup, this article will help you prepare for the challenge and opportunity. This is not to say that they are always friendly, of course, but they are always kind and will treat each other with the greatest respect you can give them. Daily exercise is a must for Samoyeds and shouldnt be done when its hot outside. Chris loves to write about animals and has been writing professionally since 2010. As sled dogs that also pulled double duty as hunting and herding dogs, the Samoyed is a working dog right to their canine core. Ours loves laying outside on the deck in the snow when it's 15 degrees and we basically have to force her to come back inside. You will need to work grooming into your weekly routine as well as take the time to learn how to groom your Samoyed properly. are a very sociable breed, and sometimes this is positive and sometimes Samoyeds The bottom layer is soft, thick, and very insulating. If youre a first-time owner, youll also need to learn how to keep your Samoyed mentally stimulated too. As the owner explains, while these dogs are famously friendly and sweet, they have some unique traits as a result of their breed heritage as working dogs. Having Samoyeds do more strenuous activities like pulling weight, obedience training, or even herding will keep them entertained both physically and mentally. With the exercise they enjoy and the color of their (bright white) coat, they can often need a rinse at least- if not a full-on bath. They require a lot of consistent training. Knowing which of these dog breeds you want for your first-time dog-owning experience is just the first step. This side of their personality makes them a fantastic dog for a first time owner. Also regarding temperature. The answer is Yes. But because they know the owner will respond in kind and so they feel confident that they will not get harmed. Extra care must be taken when it comes to things that come in direct contact with their Informing people about the dog breed "Spitz" which includes Chow Chows, Samoyeds, Pomeranians, Huskies, Malamutes and more. But the truth is that your canine friend will be fine. Also, while they are very smart dogs, it's both a blessing and a curse. And should you want to have your dog professionally groomed book a session with your local groomer as soon as possible. Growing up, I worked at three different pet stores for about six years total (and now volunteer at my local animal rescue). as a pet. Two colors are common in Labradors. For example, if you are an active, social person, you will likely enjoy a dog that is also active and social. Are they generally easy- going dogs? great and lovable pet. Samoyeds require more than most family dogs due to their breed. If youre looking for a companion dog or a house pet, then you will definitely want to consider a Samoyed. use their intelligence and cuddly nature combined. Samoyeds bark a decent amount as compared to other dog breeds. There are many questions you should ask yourself, as well as thoughts to consider, before choosing the right breed of dog for you. She also often wants our attention and wants us to leave her alone simultaneously. One area where first time Samoyed owners are often particularly unprepared is when it comes to that thick double layer white coat. Samoyeds Samoyeds Samoyeds are also one of the most talkative breeds around. However, it depends a lot on what you mean by good or bad.. In this article, learn what canine breeders, experts, and owners have to say about whether the Samoyed is a good choice for first-time owners. Most Samoyed owners also take their Samoyed to get professionally groomed every few months to help their double coat do its job properly. I am also a big gamer and play games hours at a time some days. My 3-year old Samoyed is more than a dog, hes my friend and companion. Continue You can avoid the snoring problem by making sure that there is enough space for the dog to move around in. While these dogs were bred through millennia to work, this does not mean they cannot adapt well to the pet dog life. be bored and, like a young child, want to hear their own voice. If your Samoyed puppy is allowed to do intense exercise before the growth plates in the leg bones have closed and hardened, this may cause lifelong joint and health issues for your dog. Also, this breed is prone to hip dysplasia, so overweight or obese is a concern. That is how much these dogs need a job to do to stay busy. On top of shedding, Samoyeds get (and appear) dirty fairly quickly. Beyond I find that a quick mental training session learning new tricks or working on old tricks helps a ton to keep her from getting frustrated. This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. As is the case with any dog and child interaction, it is important to provide supervision until you are confident in the behaviors between the two so that you know they will both be happy and safe. A full-blooded lab can have any, Read More Can A Full Blooded Lab Be Two Colors? If you have a full-time job and dont work from home, this is something you need to take into account regardless of whether a Samoyed is your first dog or not. But I realized that Siberian Huskies are probably not my type of dog because I am not that active, they are not generally easy to train, I am not extroverted like them, and because I would be a first-time dog owner. However, there are some other personality traits to be considered when deciding whether to get a Samoyed as your first dog instead of another breed. Samoyeds can be incredibly high maintenance in multiple ways, but do not let this be discouraging. They don't necessarily need a ton of exercise but do need the stimulation of going outside for walks. In other words, dont pick out your new pet just because he or she is cute. Keep in mind that a dogs behavior and personality are unique (just like yours and mine) but come with innate qualities by the circumstance of how and what they have been bred for. If One of the issues with Samoyeds is their rather aggressive behavior. The last breed on the list, the Standard Schnauzer, is considered to be a very intelligent dog that can be trusted with small children. Mastering this will be more challenging for a first-time dog owner but certainly isnt impossible if you have the time and commitment to learn. (Causes and Home Remedy)Continue, Most people assume that a lab is only one color, but there are some benefits to two colors. It can be easier to learn the ropes of raising a puppy and training a dog if you pick a breed that has more of a companion canine temperament and is reliably obedient. Overall, they're a lot of work to train (and re-train as they go through adolescence) but they're great companions. They can smell like many things, based on what, Read More My Dog Smells Like Poop? Keeping your house and clothes clean will take more effort than if you were to get another breed as your first dog. The Samoyed was my very first dog, honestly everyone I asked said this breed is not first time owner friendly but I think with dedication its completely possible, like jumping into the deep end of the pool first instead of the shallow end. Would they be okay in an apartment (with outdoor walks almost daily probably)? With that being They are generally easier to train than Siberian Huskies - so that's a plus - they do not require tremendous outdoor exercise, and they look so cute! In this stage of your life, it can be difficult for the uninitiated to choose the right breed of dog. following questions: If Beyond just learning tricks, we can also look at how Samoyeds were bred to get an idea for their intelligence. However, it is also known as being a stubborn and hardy breed. It can also be one of the most challenging. And then they become more aware of their smell and start cleaning more regularly. As long as a Samoyed gets plenty of exercise and attention, they are calm inside and are wonderful to all people making them perfect for most families. They have a lot of personality flaws that you need to be aware of before deciding to adopt one. negative. If you take your Samoyed to doggy school (aka obedience training), you will likely be a proud pet owner as Samoyeds learn positive behavior and training tasks rather quickly. Could they pass as a first-time dog for owners? How often your Samoyed listens to you will be based on whether youve established yourself as the leader and know how to properly incentivise your Samoyed. Whether or not a Samoyed is a good choice for a family will depend on your familys interests, needs, and life patterns. For example, Samoyeds are a very laid-back dog that gets along great with other dogs. Or perhaps you prefer to give a rescue Samoyed a new forever home, which is a wonderful gift to you both. When kept for working purposes, these dogs spend the majority of their lives with other canines in tightly-knit packs. So, if you are not ready to take on all of the personality traits of this breed, or if you dont have the time or money for training, you may want to consider another breed. This breed was bred to be a sledding dog. If you're not doing doggy daycare, they likely will need at least 2-3 walks otherwise they will get bored very easily and destroy your home. Is a Samoyed a good first dog? And you will learn how to work with your Samoyeds traits rather than against them. On the contrary, you may choose a dog who complements you well but does not quite fit your personality. This is not a danger in most cases but is part of their herding instinct and something for you to be aware of if you are allowing your Samoyed and child to interact unsupervised. So you will need to get creative about finding ways to tire your Samoyed puppy out until your veterinarian can do the X-rays to verify that the growth plates have closed and it is safe to let your dog run and exercise more. are a great choice for a pet if you are looking for an intelligent dog. This is why many people choose them as their dogs choice for companionship. Rather, think of it in terms of if you are the right owner for them, not the other way around. Samoyeds are not generally recommended for first-time dog owners for one simple reason: these dogs are famously stubborn. If you are good about this and brushing, your Samoyed should look presentable all the time. This means that owning one could be a big adjustment if you arent used to exercising a dog as part of your routine. I have two dogs - Charlie and Bosco - who are both Siberian Huskies, as well as a cat named Gus. As McMagic Samoyeds breeder relates, the Samoyed is a dog breed that will actually chew the fur right off their own legs, tail, and body if they get bored. Samoyeds also shed a lot, even if theyre groomed regularly. ), Cat Allergic to Pine Litter? link to Can Dogs get sick from Dirty Bowls? The long, beautiful coat requires a lot of work to maintain, and you will need a brush, comb, and nail clippers for the grooming job. And they cannot tolerate being bored. I am interested in buying a dog sometime in the distant future, but I am starting my research now to prepare. To prevent needing baths as regularly, you can wash just their feet after being outside and (when appropriate) use a damp towel or rag to wash the outer coat. I will try to keep looking for the ideal dog for me! This means that you could essentially train your Samoyed on a new trick within a day or two. explore. I got really interested in dogs recently by watching Siberian Husky videos on YouTube. When it comes to infants, the important thing to remember is to introduce them slowly and teach them to be gentle. There are many dog breeds that require only minimal grooming but Samoyeds are not one of them. This short video made by an experienced Samoyed owner offers a quick overview of the exact things you need to know before choosing this dog breed. Consistent practice with positive reinforcement is, of course, beneficial for training any dog- and especially a social breed like the Samoyed who loves to be praised for his or her good work. It has a hunting instinct and needs a lot of space in which to run. So you have just come to learn that you are going to become a dog owner. If you have not had Often, these dogs will bark at bad guys, so if you are not willing to constantly be around them, this may not be the right choice. They do well in the cold and are quick to learn obedience. This is definitely not the dog breed to choose if you are hoping for a lap dog companion or if you have a more sedentary life. to help you to truly gain insight into this question. Samoyed dogs are sled dogs to their core. Therefore, now you will notice that the Samoyed is happiest when he or she feels useful and is tasked with chores or given obstacles to overcome; this is one of the reasons that the Samoyed does so well with training and active play. the most common examples above, the list of reasons that a Samoyed will bark is Also, if you are a first-timer it is good to make sure that you do your research before bringing a dog home with you. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. While they do not generally intend harm by their behaviors, if the child and Samoyed play lots of running and chasing games, the Samoyed may nip. Whatever their reasoning is, Samoyeds tend to be avid barkers. They're very sly and like to antagonize if you don't exercise them both physically and mentally. That is a pretty amazing fact to consider when choosing a Samoyed for your companion canine. Samoyeds are a highly active breed. In my spare time, I enjoy volunteering to help care for them while they're waiting for their forever homes. How will you pick just one puppy out of a litter? But they also can suffer from a number of problems that can affect their behavior and make them undesirable to many potential owners. But many a first-time dog owner has discovered only after they brought their Samoyed puppy home that these dogs have a stubborn, independent streak that can be hard to work with. you continue reading, I will explore many of the qualities that make this a Samoyeds (like many dogs) can be great with babies. are considered anywhere from the 30th-45th most intelligent dog, according to A good idea is to use warm bath water, and rub it on the underbelly until the coat begins to come back out. At a minimum, you should be doing a 30-minute brisk walk per day. However, it can be done, and if you begin at a young age, this may be easier for your Samoyed to learn (as Samoyeds are a good training breed). Ours learns things very quickly but also loves testing her limits and seeing what she can get away with. (Causes and Home Remedy), Can A Full Blooded Lab Be Two Colors? You should also spend time playing with the dog and make sure you give it plenty of attention and playtime. The best way to prepare for your Samoyed to come home is to understand what this dog breed needs to be healthy and happy in the pet dog life. This means that you wont have to worry about having to take your dogs coat to a professional groomer every week. As an example, if you are more of a shy person but enjoy being near people and the outdoors, perhaps you would like a dog who is more social and active- helping you to break out of your shell a bit more. Make sure you still give your Samoyed enough attention, especially if you are a first-time parent; they need regular exercise and attention, and if the newborn is getting all of it they may learn to resent the baby for it. In my experience, this alone is not enough to keep them happy as they tend to want to play beyond focused exercise periods. Samoyeds are easily trainable, loyal, and smart. Theyre affectionate, smart, and cuddly, and make for a great family pet. While all dogs love getting attention, Samoyeds were bred to be human companions and are happiest when they receive constant attention from their owners. From experience, are they easy to train? If you are not one to handle barking well, you may want to consider a different breed of dog. can see, the list goes on and on.
first time samoyed owner