What follows are a few links to take you to each section, with a brief explanation of what I cover. Don't forget to take him straight outside to his designated toilet area to see if he wants to pee. If youre anything like me, youd be happy for your pup to sleep anywhere a basket by the sofa, on the sofa itself, in your bedroom, in your bed If however, youre a sensible lad from North Yorkshire who grew up on a farm, the puppy belongs in a crate downstairs. https://www.akc.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. But we stuck with it, and the next week we saw improvement and our own mattress. Routine makes it easier for everyone, humans included. And not in a good way. Stay with him for a few minutes and then bring him back inside and let him settle for a while. We placed his crate is in the corner of the room that sees the least foot traffic, at the bottom of the sofa. If you want to know how to bring up a cocker spaniel puppy the easiest answer is with patience, encouragement and love.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',693,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1-0')}; Most modern Cocker spaniel puppies are incredibly soft and sensitive and a slow, careful approach will work wonders in the long term. Two or three hours before you plan to put him to bed for the night, offer him a little food and water. No discussion necessary. But this is only just the beginning. If he's tired, let him fall asleep, gently place him in his new crate and leave him. Cockers are keen, intelligent dogs and a puppy that is cared for properly will soon adapt to his new home. Ill explain how next Sunday. Start off right by staying home, so you can make your puppy feel secure and enjoy every minute of this experience. No matter how hard you try, a couple of last-minute things always get forgotten in the excitement before bringing home a new puppy. When bringing home a new puppy in the car, never be tempted to stop at the side of the road to let him out to pee. He may be quite lively if he's slept during the journey, in which case, let him explore. For now, when the pup is around, they must remain calm and reasonably quiet, making no sudden moves that could frighten him. in his strange new world. Your puppy will almost certainly cry during his first night because he'll be missing the warmth and comfort of If he doesn't fall asleep, try placing him in his crate anyway. Your puppy needs to see as much of life as possible and to visit as many different places as it is practical to take him to. Why won't my dog listen to a word I say? What is the first thing you should teach your puppy? Alexandra Fraser who recently bought a cocker spaniel called Wilf details the ins and outs of sleep-training a new puppy, from where to place your puppy in your home to why you dearly need a dressing gown. Cynoclub at http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-10051067-cute-puppy.php6. If it's a cold, wintry day, you can wrap him up in his new 'scented' blanket. I think you'll agree that this video sums up the excitement of bringing home a new puppy. Don't scold him and don't make a fuss, just clean it up and get on with the day. Your young spaniel lives for adventure, it is in his genetic makeup and he wants to run, chase his nose, scent, sniff, have different experiences and enjoy life. I hope these tips about bringing home a new puppy will help to make you feel more confident When you go to your puppy in the morning, don't be surprised if he's messed in his crate overnight, it's perfectly natural. Remember that your puppy is only a baby and that he will need your help and care to help him to settle into his new home. He'll need to be toilet trained, groomed, exercised,obedience trained, and adequately socialized to grow up happy and confident about his environment. Important Note:If your pup fails to eat over the next couple of days, is sick, has prolonged diarrhoea, or generally seems unwell, don't hesitate to contact your vet; the sooner, the better. However, if you're on your own, I suggest taking along a dog crate, a pet carrier, or even a ventilated cardboard box to ensure he's not loose in the car. Make sure you have a blanket that smells like the puppys mother being able to smell her will help your puppy. AKC is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to akc.org. Let him pee on you if he has to; he's just too precious! Download this e-book for guidance on these questions and other important factors to consider when looking for a puppy. I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Its your first day as long-term companions, and you want to begin bonding with your pup immediately. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. Layer the carrier with plenty of old newspaper because he'll almost certainly need to pee (and maybe even poop) on the way home, especially if you have a long drive ahead of you. Have you ever wondered what he hears when you talk to him? Dogs like to play games including tug of war but is it okay to play this game with a puppy? At six weeks, your cocker spaniel puppy should have had its first vaccination and vet check up. At last, you've arrived home with your cute little ball of fur, and now all you want to do is cuddle, stroke, play and generally make a fuss of him. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Time and care taken at this early stage and a considered investment in your puppys development will all help your Cocker spaniel puppy to grow into a well balanced, happy adult dog who enjoys life to its fullest and who is a true character. However, if you just can't bear to leave him, or if he becomes too distressed, then you might want to bring him into your bedroom to sleep (but in his own bed or crate) and move him back into his proper sleeping place when he's settled down, or fallen asleep. It is not intended to replace the advice and treatment of your veterinarian. Willeecole at http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-puppy-chasing-piece-dog-food-image73243113. He'll also be missing the familiar smell and comfort of his mother and brothers and sisters, but hopefully, the scent from his blanket (the one you left in the whelping box and is now in his crate) will help him feel a little easier. When settling your puppy back down, put your fingers through the edge of the crate. This is a good time for your new puppy to learn some of his lines as he is already used to living with his mother and sisters, so feeding at frequent intervals will be a natural part of his life. Find all you need to help your dog become the best he can be! He may be thirsty and need a drink after his journey. Last update on 2022-07-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. We have carpets upstairs and were currently renting, so we decided that it would be safer and happier all round if Wilfs domain was downstairs. Take a roll of kitchen towel with you, a plastic bag and perhaps some wet wipes, just in case he gets car-sick and you need to clean up. Keep a watchful eye on him, especially if your puppy didn't pee in the garden, because it's likely that he's not yetfully potty trained! You may also find that your puppy prefers to have a nap between exercise sessions just let him sleep if he needs it. , and adequately socialized to grow up happy and confident about his environment. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ken Moffat at Flickr.com4. You could also leave a blanket and a soft toy with your breeder so that it can be placed in the whelping box. Herr Bert at Flickr.com. The mental and physical stimulation will help tire him out, and he may sleep soundly during his first night. Before you put him to bed, take him out for another peeyou'll be doing this a lot until he's fully house-trained! If it becomes too hot for him, you may need to create some shade from the sun whilst he's in the car. My Cocker Spaniel ignores me. Jaskirat Singh Bawa at Flickr.com5. He was exhausted from running around his new home, woke up once or twice, went to the loo outside. As soon as he wakes, take him outside again to see if he wants to pee, then bring him inside and offer him some food. The next step is to choose a vet that can provide regular inoculations for your puppy as he grows older. How do you find a reputable breeder? Puppies generally eat 3 or 4 meals a day until they are 6 months old, although some breeders will try and get them used to just two large feeds by 12 weeks. If he's still asleep or has just woken, take him straight outside. Structure will help your new canine family member feel secure and understand whats expected of him. (Or best, depending on who you ask). And now it's time to collect him! Either way, unless you want accidents, youll need to get up and take them outside. If he's still asleep or has just woken, take him straight outsidebeforehe has the opportunity to have any minor 'accidents'. The first night was not too bad, all things considered. Take your puppy to lots of different places to the moors, the fells, the woods, the beach anywhere where he can get different experiences to build up his confidence and knowledge. If you enjoyed that, here's another video showing Syndia Art bringing home a new puppy. Our favourite food for spaniels that we've fed for over 30 years, Take things slowly with your spaniel puppy, The Wider World For Your Cocker Spaniel Puppy, Important points when bringing up a puppy. After a few minutes, regardless of whether he's peed or not, take him inside, introduce him to his new family and then let him see his sleeping area and give him a few minutes to explore it. With a bit of luck, he'll play quietly or snuggle up to his soft toy before nodding off. About a week before you're due to collect your pup, it's a great idea to leave a worn, smelly tee-shirt (wear it in bed for a couple of nights but don't wash it) with the breeder, who can give it to your puppy to sleep on. They should always be pleasant, exciting and enjoyable affairs. Let him to explore his new home and to help him to become familiar with where he lives and spend as much time as you can with your puppy, play with him and give him lots of affection and praise. Just like babies, puppies thrive on a routine, so before bringing home a new puppy, I strongly recommend that you consider precisely what that routine will be. If you have children, make sure you've read them the riot act and that they're aware of. He'll need to be toilet trained, groomed, exercised. What questions should you ask a breeder? They could explore, chew things, eat shoes, whatever they liked. My Dog Doesn't Listen! Why would you ever want to put a dog in a cage when they can run wild and free? If you haven't already, you'll need topuppy-proofyour home and garden and pick up enoughessential suppliesto get you through at least the first couple of weeks. He will get over this, I promise. How to tire out a puppy before vaccinations. THE SPANIEL BUZZ!Sign up to our quarterly e-zine for new and exciting articles, top tips, puppy of the month competitions and much more. Once your puppy has settled down in his new home you should help him to meet other people and to encounter and experience different situations, by helping him to do this you are reducing the potential for difficulties or for him becoming upset when he is older.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',694,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; If men, women, children or people in general are not common features within your household then considered arrangements should be made for your Cocker spaniel puppy to be introduced and meet those types of people. Do your best to make his life as enjoyable as possible. Your new cocker spaniel puppy should be wormed every 2 weeks from 2-3 months old, and then monthly until 6 months old, followed by three monthly worming from this age onwards. If your puppy continues to cry for the next couple of nights and you know he's warm and comfortable, not ill, or in pain, you'll need to stand firm and leave him where he is; otherwise, he'll learn that when he cries, you'll always come to him. Raising a new Cocker Spaniel puppy can be bewildering at times, but don't worry, help is at hand. He's going to do a lot of sleeping, eating, drinking (and then peeing and pooping), exploring and playing. When your Cocker Spaniel puppy comes home you should remember that at first he will be frightened, confused and probably apprehensive. We were up and down more than the Grand Old Duke of York and left longing for our comfy bed upstairs, away from the tiny siren safety tucked in his crate next to the sofa bed a crate which was somehow no longer a novelty, but instead our enemy. You'll find help with all this and more in mypuppy care guide, and I thoroughly recommend you begin aroutine for your puppyfrom day one and stick to it. Bringing home a new puppy is such an exciting time, and it's very easy to overlook essential preparations during all that excitement! About Cocker Spaniels is owned by Pauline Simpson Copyright 2008 - 2022 All Rights Reserved. Your puppy should be fed a high quality food, but this does not need to be expensive. It is important for this time frame to be as stress free as possible foryour new cocker pup, so it helps if he can be with his mother and siblings for at least the first six weeks of his life. Keep a watchful eye on him, especially if your puppy didn't pee in the garden, because it's likely that he's not yet. Dogs are complex, clever and intelligent animals, they are great companions, loyal and loveable and a typical Cocker Spaniel puppy will be with you for many years. Information and advice given on this site are meant for educational purposes only. How Do I Get My Cocker Spaniel To Listen? Learn how to prepare for your new puppy's arrival and discover practical tips and advice to help your Cocker Spaniel settle into his new home quickly and easily. While its vital that you do not use your crate as a place of punishment, or a convenient storage facility while you do the vacuum cleaning, its a fantastic asset to have when training a pup. Walks and excursions should always be one of the main highlights of your puppys day. He wants to be with you and please you so try and see things from this little dogs perspective. Your vet will advise you as to the best worming treatment to use. through his first night in his new home without too much trauma. Keep in mind: Some puppies sleep through the night right from the start. Show him his food bowl (with a morsel of food) and his water bowl. Your vet won't mind if it's a false alarm. . You're bringing home a new puppy. This will help your new puppy get used to your scent. And we braced ourselves. If your puppy cries when left alone, I recommend you ignore him and leave him where he is. Bringing a puppy home may be exciting for you and your family, but it can be quite an upsetting and anxious time for a tiny pup. This way he will benefit from all the stimulation and education that pups get from their mother, siblings and other animals in the home. Always try to remember that he is a baby and needs you to look after him. If you're bringing home a new puppy on a sweltering day, it would be wise to take a bottle of water and a small bowl with you to give him a drink if he gets thirsty. For now, when the pup is around, they must remain calm and reasonably quiet, making no sudden moves that could frighten him. Why Won't My Dog Listen? With puppies, particularly spaniels and Cocker spaniel puppies, the emphasis is on variety.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',696,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; So here are a few tips to guide you through the early stages of your cocker spaniel puppy. Have your puppys bed made up near yours for the first few nights theyll need time to adjust to sleeping alone. I've heard of puppies being killed in similar situations after darting into the middle of a busy road! Is it OK to play tug of war with a puppy? (I'm hoping you've chosen to use a crate for his bed - I heartily recommend it!). Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, Your First Day at Home With a New Puppy: Tips For Day One. and help you to get him safely through his first night Her puppy is beautiful, I feel her excitement! Although it will be heart-breaking to hear, it will be better in the long run if you leave him. Growing up, our dogs had free rein of the downstairs and open baskets in the living room. I thought it the best way the only way to raise a dog. If you don't want him to pee in the house as soon as you get through the door, take him into the garden (to the spot you've chosen for him to do his toilet) and let him wander around for a little while to see if he wants to pee, but don't leave him on his own. Believe me, just like with babies, that's a recipe for disaster! Play games with your puppy and get to know him. Like most dog owners you probably talk to your dog most of the time. Puppies love to play so take some toys with you when you go out, such as a ball or similar. About Cocker Spaniels - Celebrating Happy, Healthy, Puppies and Dogs! With lots of affectionate contact with the family, consistent rules and routine, and rewards for good behavior, your puppy will quickly learn his place in his new pack. Most importantly, you will establish a bond that will endure throughout his life.

How To Tell If Your Goldendoodle Is Matted, Cocker Spaniel Breeders Virginia,