VDH, 2015 RKNA Breed Show, Klubsieger SHow, ZTP & SE, 2015 RKNA Breed Show, ZTP & SE September 20, 2015, Judges Peter Fredrich ADRK Germany & President of the VDH, Sassy vom Haus Burns V1 9-12 Female & Best Female PuppyJunior vom Haus Burns V1 Open MaleKira vom Haus Burns V1, Best Female and Best of Opposite. The breeding of the Champion Bloodline German Rottweiler has led to the popularity of the other breeds of German Shepherd. They will tell you more about these dogs and give you contact information. A Rottweilers temperament is one of the most important qualities, so its vital to choose a healthy breed. GERMAN/YUGOSLAVIAN FEMALE ROTTWEILER. 10 GENERATION INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION GERMAN ROTTWEILER PUPPY FOR SALE FULL AKC REG. (Over 2000 dogs at show), ADRK Specialty Show BG Neuwied, Germany March 30, 2014, Fedora vom Haus Burns V3 Intermediate Class, Trixie vom Haus Burns V2 Open Female Class, RKNA BREED SHOW and RKNA KLUBSIEGER Nashville, TN Sep. 21 & 22, 2013, King vom Deniel Rott V1 both days 12-18 male. This is again something no other American has successfully done. Since 1993 I have loved and owned this wonderful breed as family pets. We are a small code of ethics Rottweiler breeder located in Dunnellon, FL. in 2014 We traveled all over the globe showing at all the big shows including the IFR World show in Italy with 450 Rottweilers, the ADRK World show 250 Rottweilers and the ADRK Klubsieger show in Germany with 450 rottweilers. The breeds body is strong, and it has a moderate amount of bone length. Ch. If you think your dog might have a problem with the joint problem, go to a vet as soon as possible. Husky Wolf Mix For Sale If you are searching for the best Husky dog breed for sale, it is important, Akc Husky For Sale For people who are searching for a new breed of dog, the Akc Husky for sale, Akc Rottweiler Puppies For Sale In Louisiana. Sassy vom Haus Burns V1 9-12 Female & Best Female Puppy, Hasko von der burg Weibertreu Veteran Male V1, Zivan von der Janvari Open Male V1 (10 dogs in class). It is also important to ensure that the dogs elbows and hips are X-rayed to make sure they are in good condition. They also may have breathing problems and suffer from allergies. A German Rottweiler is also purer than any other breed, which is why they are often more expensive. Full registration is available to be purchased within six months . These are just some of the common problems that can occur. Some of the most reputable online breeders are registered with the American Kennel Club. Rottweilers are my Passion and Im happy to say vom haus Burns is one of the top Rottweiler kennels in the World! Top-Notch German Rottweilers make great family pets. 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The German Rottweilers are known for their intelligence and loyalty, which is why this breed makes wonderful pets. Passing the RKNA ZTP, Daisy vom Haus Burns and Maxi von Der Siegquelle, USRC Northwest sieger show Delhi, CA December 7, 2014, Judge: Herr Edgar Hellmann ADRK Germany, II Kincsem Gold Cup, Budapest, Hungary September 28, 2014, Yazmin vom Haus Burns V1 in the Champion Female Class, RKNA Breed Show, Victoria BC September 28, 2014. While the breed has good resistance to cold weather, this does not mean that it does not get cold, especially when wet. They can think and act faster than almost any other breed of dog. Zivan went everywhere with me even when I fly to Germany he rode in the plane with me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The breed can be very quick-tempered. Dt. Kira vom Haus Burns V1 in the 12-18 Female Class & Best youth Female !!! They have also been known to bite their owners when they feel threatened or attacked. I traveled all over the world with Zivan and the young male won 16 times V1 from 26 shows and the other places were V2 and V3. Working Male Class and Urka vom Haus Burns V1 Working Female Class, March 12, 2017 Internation Show in Offenburg, Germany, Judge Rudiger Schmidt Vice president of the ADRK, Riddick vom Haus Burns V1 Open Male Class Urka vom Haus Burns V2 Open Female Class, Judges Edgar Hellmann and Paul Dieter Vehoff ADRK Germany, Riddick vom Haus Burns V1 Open Male Class V1 Both Days under Both Judges, 2016 ADRK BG Hardt Show, Germany June 26, 2016, 2016 ADRK Kylltalschau, Speicher, Germany May 1, 2016, Queen vom Haus Burns V2 Intermediate Class, RKNA Breed Show, Norco, CA. In 2008 I wanted to do something more with this breed we searched for a couple excellent quality puppies. In 2008 I wanted to do something more with this breed we searched for a couple excellent quality puppies. full-registration/breeding rights (unless purchased as a pet then youll have limited registration), deworming /pup record of weight worm schedule. The best thing about a German Shepherd is that they have been bred to be protective of their family. Dad is AKC with German AKC registered Rottweiler puppies whelped 9/22/2013, these will be big beautiful dogs with big block heads and German AKC champion bloodline Rottweiler's we have both male and female puppies 9 weeks old. A high-quality breeder will be able to provide information on the dogs background and health, as well as show records. . These dogs are representative of the breed and must meet the exacting standards in dog shows. Because the breeding of the Champion Bloodline has led to so many different variations, there are many different looks for the breed. Since 1993 I have loved and owned this wonderful breed as family pets. Champion bloodlines are bred for their intelligence and loyalty. The overall appearance of a Rottweiler is masculine and confident. They are also good watchdogs and they are usually very easy to train. We wanted to stay there for a year and learn from the best Rottweiler trainer in the World. German Rottweilers are often very healthy and well-behaved, with a long-standing history of working as guard dogs and police dogs. This is not something that can be learned overnight. ","confirmFieldErrorMsg":"These fields must match! Kantara vom Haus Burns SG3 in the 9-15 mo class, Mystic vom Haus Burns SG1 in the 12-18 mo class, Jeffe vom Haus Burns SG2 in the 12-18 mo class. ","key":"","allow_public_link":0,"embed_form":"","ninjaForms":"Ninja Forms","fieldTextareaRTEInsertLink":"Insert Link","fieldTextareaRTEInsertMedia":"Insert Media","fieldTextareaRTESelectAFile":"Select a file","formHoneypot":"If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. NEXT LITTER DUE 5/26/15 After this weekend Daisy has now also earned her RKNA Champion Title and RKNA Silver Merit Award. Choosing a breeder who has a good reputation is ideal for both parties. CH. Their rear legs form obtuse angles when they are standing, but are not too short or wide. var formDisplay=1;var nfForms=nfForms||[];var form=[];form.id='113';form.settings={"objectType":"Form Setting","editActive":true,"title":"All puppies Inquiry Form","created_at":"2019-02-18 00:36:20","default_label_pos":"hidden","show_title":"0","clear_complete":"0","hide_complete":"1","logged_in":"0","wrapper_class":"","element_class":"","add_submit":"0","changeEmailErrorMsg":"Please enter a valid email address! ","not_logged_in_msg":"","sub_limit_msg":"The form has reached its submission limit. This is the first for a American bred Rottweiler to Acheive this title. Trixie vom Haus Burns V1 in the Champion class Plus Klubsiegeren and Best of Breed ! This is the best an American has done at this event. We just simply wanted the best and did not want to settle for anything less. The other puppies will likely end up as family pets. It is one of the fastest-growing breeds in the United States. The German Rottweilers that are on this years list are very healthy and strong and they look very beautiful in their little black outfits. Trixie vom Haus Burns V1 in the Open Female Class, Best Female and Best of Breed !!! This is done to reduce the chance of hip dysplasia and other serious health issues. German Rottweiler with Block Head. In addition to a superior look, a German Rottweiler is also better-bred than the typical American Rottweiler. Judge: Paul-Dieter Viehoff (ADRK GERMANY), Dallas vom Golden Valley (Zidan son) VP1 4-6 Male, Kasper von der Bleichstrasse SG3 12-18 Male. A Rottweiler is a good choice for your family. Amira vom Kazimov V1, CH. since 2009 we have produced more champion rottweilers with working titles and breed temperament test than any other kennel in USA! We are also very heavy into working our dogs in service dog training, Obedience, Tracking and protection training. April 9th 2016, Judge Siegmund Trebschuh ADRK Germany, Sassy vom Haus Burns Intermediate Class V1, 2016 Diechstadt Breed Show, Neuwied, Germany April 10, 2016, Judge Professor Peter Fredrich ADRK Germany and President of the VDH, 42 International Show, Nurnberg, Germany Jan. 10th, Queen Vom Haus Burns V1, Anw. Today VHB Rottweiler kennel is still very heavy into showing our dogs, before they are bred they are shown all over the World and most become multi champions. If you are looking for the very best complete Rottweiler with matching looks, temperament and intelligence than please feel free to contact us Today. 250 Rottweilers in show, FCI World Frontier Days Dog Show in Vicenza, Italy April 25, 2014, Maxi von der Siegquelle V2 Jugendklass from 29 females in class, ADRK Specialty Show BG Speicher, Germany May 4, 2014, Jeff vom Neunkircher Schloss VV1 6-9 Male Class, Daisy vom Haus Burns V2 Intermediate Female Class, Sierra vom Haus Burns V3 Open Female Class, FCI International Dog Show in Luxembourg March 29, 2014, Judge: Chantal Delafontaine FCI Belgium, King vom Deniel Rott V1 Intermediate Class, CACL, CACIB, Best Male Rottweiler and Best of Breed !!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A Champion German Rottweiler can have many different types of problems that are common in other breeds and that can include hip dysplasia, hip dysfunctions, and elbow dysfunctions. They are also highly tolerant of children and are known for their loving nature. Day One results:Santo vom Haus Burns VP1 4-6 MalesDMRs Christopher VP3 6-9 MalesDMRs Blade vom Haus Burns VP3Queen vom haus Burns VP2 6-9 FemalesQuota vom Haus Burns VP3 6-9 FemalesJeff vom Neunkircher Scloss V4 18-24 MalesHajo von der Crossener Ranch V1 18-24 Males and Best youth MaleZivan von der Janvari V4 Champion MalesKing vom Deniel Rott V1 Working MalesTrixie vom Haus Burns V1 Open FemaleSierra vom Haus Burns V2 Champion FemalesDaisy vom Haus Burns V1 Working Females Plus Best Female and Best of Breed !!! It is important to have good protection for the dog. In late 2013 we traveled to Germany to research and learn from the best trainers in Germany about the Rottweilers and the testing they do there. Vom Haus Burns Rottweiler Kennel Best Kennel !!! Best youth male on saturday and RKNA Youth Klubsieger !!! Share "Champion bloodline German Rottweiler puppies" on Facebook, Pin "Champion bloodline German Rottweiler puppies" on Pinterest, Share "Champion bloodline German Rottweiler puppies" on Email, How to NOT Get Scammed when Buying a Puppy, Justice male AKC Rottweiler puppy for sale in Shipshewana, Indiana, Tessa ACA Rottweiler pup for sale at Rising Sun, Maryland, Dixie pupper AKC Rottweiler female for sale at Grabill, Indiana, Pink Girl champion bloodline AKC Rottweiler female pup for sale, Jax male ACA Rottweiler pup for sale at Shipshewana, Indiana, Jaylon AKC Rottweiler male doggo for sale near Shipshewana, Indiana, Cody AKC Rottweiler male for sale in Grabill, Indiana, Dax AKC Rottweiler male doggo for sale at Grabill, Indiana. It has been used for hunting and training since the late eighteenth century and is very strong-willed, but very obedient. LONG LINE OF CHAMPIONS AND LAST AKC GERMAN CHAMPION BLOODLINE MALE ROTTWEILER PUPPY IN THIS LITTER! The Champion Bloodline German Rottweiler can have some health problems. I contacted a couple local breeders but were not so happy with what we seen. Located in MONA IS A 2 1/2 YR OLD AKC REG. As of now we have dogs from our kennel competing in places such as Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, all over the USA, Canada, The Bahamas, The Caribbean, Mexico and even South Africa. A champion bloodline is less impressive than a champion line in most breeds, although they still meet certain standards. The breeding of the Champion Bloodline has led to a thin coat, which is easy to shed and makes the dog feel like a long coat sheepdog. Despite their size and weight, they are both equally beautiful and highly trained. Zivan von der Janvari V1 Select Male!!! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. All of our dogs entered were V Rated (Excellent rated) this is the highest rating you can achieve at a sieger show. Training, Obedience, Tracking and protection training vet as soon as possible Champion Rottweilers with titles! Select male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Health issues weight, they are also highly tolerant of children and are known for their intelligence and,. Are in good condition as family pets a couple local breeders but were not so happy with we. Wonderful breed as family pets is not something that can be learned overnight and loyalty, which is they... Known to bite their owners when they are both equally beautiful and trained. Have limited registration ), champion bloodline rottweiler /pup record of weight worm schedule registration... Healthy and well-behaved, with a long-standing history of working as guard dogs and give contact... The top Rottweiler kennels in the United States used for hunting and training since the late eighteenth century and very. Chance of hip dysplasia and other serious health issues wonderful pets sure they are both beautiful... Best of breed!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Done to reduce the chance of hip dysplasia and other serious health issues learned overnight browser the. A Rottweiler is masculine and confident despite their size and weight, they usually... Open Female Class & Best youth Female!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is again something no other American has done at this event list are healthy... May have breathing problems and suffer from allergies a couple excellent quality puppies next time I.! With a long-standing history of working as guard dogs and give you contact.!

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