Who tapes the ears after cropping in Huntington Beach, California or Southern California? Try to avoid allowing tape and support structures to become wet or soiled. Are you able to talk with your pups breeder? The first week after surgery is vital for the puppy. Owners believe that it is the normal for some breeds and other believe it is better to leave them natural. This procedure is always performed with general anesthesia. We want your pet to be comfortable immediately postop and during the ear posting phase. At South Meadow Animal Clinic, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of veterinary medicine along with friendly, compassionate service. If your dog requires his ears cropped when he is a puppy, maintaining a clean site for ear incisions to heal and then taping and supporting ears so they heal in an upright position will be required. Exactly, its all the same thing just like piercing babies ears. It may not need posted as long as a Great Dane or a Doberman because Bane's ears are no where near as long as that, but the vet did mention posting when his ears heal. Follow veterinarian instructions carefully. I will have to go get one of those tubes today! Am sure they have seen everything when it comes to post cropping situations for you to keep your eye out for. After the first week, if the rack comes off the ear will still need to remain wrapped. It is more than 300 years old; however back then they were cropped for protection from bears, cattle, wolves, and foxes. In more recent years, suggestions have been made for tail docking as well. I dont see anything wrong with it as long as its done within the age window. You should make the decision based on what is best for your dog. This starts from the top and goes to the bottom of the ear. Scabs interfere with cartilage and tissues' ability to heal ears in an upright position. Therefore, I do not wish to argue right from wrong on this thread, just looking for some help. She looks much more attractive and bred specific and most importantly she never had a single ear infection, her sister whos ears were left natural suffered from very painful ear infections her entire life. On the day of the surgery, your pet will go home with a cup on his/her head to which the cropped ears are adhered and will remain in this position for two weeks or until the edges heal. How to clean her cropped ears when she wont let me. We do not recommend inexperienced owners attempt to post the ears themselves. Be patient with your puppy, undergoing anesthetic, having sore ears, and having ears taped and supported can be uncomfortable for him. It is a highly popular standard and judge favorite in the show ring. I have a german spitz, whose ears are naturally small and erect. In some countries the law in binary it is allowed, or not whereas other places like the United Kingdom will allow it in specific conditions or performed in a specific way. Your veterinarian may prescribe pain medication to help your puppy be more comfortable, but your puppy may be feeling unwell from the after-effects of anesthetic and may be reticent about having his sore ears handled for cleaning. Other areas where ear cropping is illegal include: The laws and regulations on ear cropping and tail docking are changing fast and it is your duty to constantly be aware of the current situation in your local area. Because of the importance of the topic, please triple check with the right official authorities and their websites. Im just looking for a experienced that in the area that hasnt a good working knowledge of the art of cropping anybody have any suggestions for the Chandler area? I was looking into those tubes. Weve created a nice infographic listing some of these most popular dog breeds with cropped ears; feel free to share it on social media and your website! Some dogs will even have phantom pain from the missing appendage just like humans do. James Serpell, director at the Center for Interaction of Animals and Society at the University of Pennsylvania, says that 80% of dogs dont get ear infections and the breeds who will more likely get them (e.g. The AKC has no rule requiring ear cropping but the organization definitely recognizes it as a valuable tradition in the history of some breeds. American Pit Bull Terrier, pitbull breeds, Doberman, Cane Corso, etc.). They are really sore now and I feel bad for him. I'm the only vet assistant at my work that knows how to post ears and I just happen to have a 16 wk old cane corso that I've been working with for the past few weeks. I have a Great Dane and NEVER in a million years would I ever subject my sweet little boy to such a horrendous thing. The four ear cropping styles are as follows, from the shortest to the tallest ear crop: Currently, the most common ear crop styles are short and show styles. Historically, ear cropping was also performed on some working dogs to help decrease any health complications; mainly ear infections and hematomas. Flush the incision at the base of the ear area with ear wash or peroxide from a dispenser or syringe and apply antibiotic ointment to the incisions two or three times daily. Important Disclaimer This site does not intend to provide veterinary advice. During the cropping surgery, the vet makes an opening and cuts each ear. Product availability and prices for Amazon Products displayed on this page are updated every half an hour and are subject to change. Be sure to go to all vet appointments and follow all instructions to take proper care for the puppy. The cropping is done by removing about two-thirds of the pinna, also known as the floppy part of the ears. Meaning if there were no anesthesia the dog would be in extreme pain. While we provide informational A fair price would be around $300 but it also depends on your location. We treat every patient as if they are our own pet, and give them the same loving attention and care. Ive had labs for years, just keep their dang ears clean!!!! For many of these dogs, ear cropping is part of a standard for the breed, but there are more than cosmetic reasons for ear cropping. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Breeding Business is a platform dedicated to ethical dog breeding around the world. You will also want to make sure that taped ears do not become soiled; wet tape needs to be replaced. Ear cropping is an elective surgery for puppies of particular types or breeds, usually occurring right after birth. Soak ear incisions in warm water for 5 minutes by holding a warm face cloth to the scab and then gently pick off with clean hands. Banned in the Netherlands and frowned upon when an owner illegally does so. How to Groom a Dog with a Thick Undercoat, How to Trim a Dog's Nails That Are Too Long. Create, run and manage your breeder website using reliable tools. A kennel is promotion, networking, bookkeeping, online marketing, and more. The rack or tape that is put in place will need to stay for at least 21 days. You can use antiseptic wash to clean the ears and then allow them to dry thoroughly before applying tape. My Corso crop is actually a longer style. Avoid wetting any bandaging present. If people want a tattoo or a piercing thats their decision. Cropped ears to some people is unethical and cruel. For the past hundred years or so, cropped ears are often requested more for cosmetic purposes than for the dogs own sake. In British Columbia, Canada the College of Veterinarians have banned ear cropping of dogs for any cosmetic purposes stating it was an unethical practice. Cropped ears are believed to be best for a breeds trademark appearance to some owners. Since being established in 1884, the AKCs stand in the cosmetic procedures is to meet a breeds standard, and some of these standards will traditionally require a trim of the dogs ears. It is recommended to use disinfectant around the edges of the cropped ears two times a day. As well as an antibiotic ointment. Lets look at what both the surgery and the ear cropping aftercare period look like. This is the type of procedure that will take a ton of patience and you may receive bad words from people finding such practices almost criminal. Ask your vet how to do a temporary dog ear posting (video here) until you are able to take the puppy in. If the ears become unwrapped call the vet and make sure to take the puppy in as soon as possible. Your email address will not be published. It doesnt give them the right to unnecessarily cause pain and suffering to a companion animal. During the procedure, a veterinarian removes extra ear flap tissue, sutures incisions, and then bandages and affixes ears to a support structure or splint so they heal in an upright position. Required fields are marked *. others might be able to comment with more experience, but to my knowledge, I dont think a short crop like a CC or a pit bull has to be posted, just kept clean and keep them from scratching at them and causing hematomas in the ear (which will cause it to heal funny). Remove tape weekly to check healing, clean ears with antiseptic wash, and replace soiled tape. There is no chance to score uncropped show dogs of a breed higher for conformation. I think now that it's a little shorter he's okay with it, but I know that since the ears are only 2 days freshly cut that it probably is extremely itchy and annoying. Maryland law also stipulates that the ear cropping must be appropriate on the animal.. We are committed to your pet looking good and prefer to post the ears ourselves. We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an advertising and affiliate program providing a way for our company to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Personnally i believe no person should traumatize young beings, whether human or animal. If you decide to go ahead, you must get some time off work to dedicate yourself for several days to the aftercare that is needed. You will need to make an appointment and return to our office for suture and cup removal 10-14 days from the date of surgery. Since 1976, the American Veterinary Medical Association who sets standards for excellence in veterinary medicine, recommends to the AKC and other breed associations to not mention cropped ears in breed standards and not to show dogs who have cropped ears. This is not the end. Youre entitled to your opinion. Glad it went well. You must come back for posting weekly at least until the ears stand satisfactorily. He hates the cone of shame I bought him though! Cleaning the cropped ears during healing is part of the recovery process. It is not intended to constitute professional guidance or veterinary advice. He spends more time trying to escape that or using it to run things over than bother his ears much. The process can only be done by a licensed veterinarian and only if the owner is dedicated to the pets post-op with any aftercare that is needed. I just am not so sure of the right method to get them to stand. Nobody tells a person what kind car drive. It is very beneficial for the dogs. Since cropping is usually done between 8 and 12 weeks the puppy will usually experience distress from the procedure. Dog owners who wish to show their dogs feel often feel pressured to crop so they can play in the ring. Our bestselling ebook helps you start and manage your dog breeding adventure from day one. Many breeds, such as Dobermans, Bull Terriers, and Great Danes, frequently undergo ear cropping procedures at about 8 weeks of age. Dog owners of many breeds have their puppys ears cropped however, the American Kennel Club and general public accept cropped ears for the following breeds: Many other types of dogs have these cropped ears but because they are not defined purebred dogs, it is difficult to pinpoint them here. The procedure went really well! If you've ever seen a puppy running around with weird bandaged ears sticking up and sometimes fastened together, looking like old-fashioned TV antennas, you may have seen a puppy recovering from a procedure to crop their ears. Plan a breeding program, master canine genetics, and use the right strategies. Discuss the matter with experienced, trusted and highly reputable dog breeders, judges, and breed clubs, in order to get more opinions over it. If yes, go to some local pet stores, vets or feed stores, see if they have one of the soft ones or the ones that look like bicycle tubes. General anesthesia is used to block the pain. I dont own any cropped/docked breeds anymore but if I did I would have them done. I thinks its okay and would give information on where to have it done. I have seen a few videos of different ways that people do it. Remove scabs that form on the ear incisions. I differ in opinion that I believe my dogos should have their ears cropped, providing that the dog is going to hunt. I have just the hard cone on him now and he hates it. It ranges anywhere between $150 to more than $600. Follow veterinary instructions regarding dressings, medications and cleaning required for your puppys recently cropped ears. That's why I would prefer a breeder to do it, I like the look and the AKC shows prefer it, but the healing is tedious, Once I figure out how to add pictures to this from my phone you will see so many pictures of my two loves! Its done under anesthesia and they have pain pills and CBD oil for after. I hope you dont feel like you do to have your male children circumcised when they are born. I Did have my Great Danes ears cropped & posted, It never bothered her at all. I went to Dr Anne Midgarden, I had to drive nearly 5 hours to get to her but she did some fantastic work! Handle gently! Breeding Business, 2015-2022 All rights reserved. South Meadow Animal Clinic Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions. Your email address will not be published. When the vet is finished with the cut, a kind of rack that is made usually out of aluminum is used to lengthen the ears and hold them to erect. This will give the ear a pointed look. It's honestly going to be a long 2 weeks to heal these ears. If chronic ear infections occur, not only is the dog uncomfortable, but permanent hearing loss can occur when delicate structures are damaged. In conclusion, the choice of whether or not to crop your dogs ears is yours entirely. Scabs will interfere with your puppies ears healing in an upright position. Unless you're doing a full amputation of the pinna, ie no ear flap left, then your probably going to have to do some sort of posting or brace just to be on the safe side. All dog breeds and dog breeders welcome. Dog ear cropping is usually done whenever the pup is 8 to 10 weeks old. It is very important for owners to call our office with any problems they encounter during the aftercare period. Cropped ears is a process in which the ears of certain breeds are transformed to look alert and erect. To inflict such cruelty to such a sweet breed is inhumane. Keep ears dry and clean before taping, do not use petroleum jelly or ointment on the ears prior to taping or the tape will not stick. Bane the Cane Corso! The longer you wait to rewrap the ears the better. I think I added one of Bane with his bandage helmet they have him, I don't have any pictures of him with his healing ears because they are fresh and not very pretty lol. One-off litter or professional dog breeder? Cropping may, in some dog breeders minds, enhance a dogs appearance but it could also leave the dog scarred and the ears damaged. *Aftercare is not included in the cost of the ear crop surgery, payment is expected at the time of bandaging/aftercare. It is important to keep incisions clean and prevent scabs from developing. Do not cover sutures or incisions at the base of the ear when taping. JavaScript is disabled. But the vet that did do it gave me some instructions on what to do. In the United States, the American Veterinary Medical Association has clarified the state-specific policies on dog ear cropping: There are currently nine states that specifically regulate ear cropping of dogs: Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York and Pennsylvania all prohibit ear cropping except by a licensed veterinarian while the dog is under an anesthetic. Ear Cropping is essential for Livestock Guardian breeds who have to protect flocks from wolves, bears, coyotes, and other predators. Especially when done by an experienced vet with local pain relief. 2022 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Ear cropping should be banned worldwide. 09740325). Keep tape dry and clean, if it becomes wet it must be replaced. Keep this area clean with localized cleaning with antiseptic wash if necessary, be careful not to get tape wet. Although puppies do not feel anything during the procedure, as they're under anesthetic, there is some discomfort when they recover from anesthesia and while ear incisions are healing. Ear cropping is performed on young puppies, under anesthetic. 3020 Sycamore School Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76133, Copyright 2022 South Meadow Animal Clinic | All Rights Reserved | Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions. Is he wearing one of those hard cones? Do not allow the puppy to interfere with sutured ears or taped and supporting ear structures, bandage paws and supervise. Both ears have many nerve endings. If its not going to be a working dog I do not crop the dogs ears. For all of you that believe cropping is cruel to your sweet little animals that really wont remember the surgery to begin with. Ear cropping is not a painless procedure. Ear cropping can also have a heavy cost. Operated by Lazhar Limited, a company registered in England & Wales (Company No. They are cropped when they are much younger, only days old, and when done properly they are over it in seconds. People get tattoos and ear rings. Once the decision has been made to crop your puppys ears, an owner should be aware that proper aftercare and taping of the ears following ear cropping is just as important as the quality of the crop for a successful outcome. I suggest trying those only when you're home, so you can make darn sure he can't get his legs up to scratch his ears. Tape requires a clean dry surface to adhere to. Massachusetts prohibits ear cropping except when performed by a licensed veterinarian and Washington prohibits ear cropping except when it is considered a customary husbandry practice. The owners should expect the dog to stay with the vet for the next night or two to make sure nothing serious occurs (infections.). Glad you found a specialized vet for the procedure and for after care info. Aspen the Wiemaraner! I had a breeder that was going to do it at 6 weeks but he turned out to put his family wanting puppies before my deposit so I found a new breeder and he didn't do ears. I have a Doberman 7weeks old and Im choosing to have her ears cropped. Maine prohibits mutilating an animal by irreparably damaging body parts but makes an exception for conduct performed by a licensed veterinarian. Some breeds may only require two or three postings, but most Dobermans, Danes, and boxers are taped weekly until six months of age, or even longer if necessary. content, products, and resources as well as animal education; the information and content on breedingbusiness.com is intended You can put socks over his rear feet to prevent scratching; a cone may interfere with structures or splints used to make ears stand up. Cropping has become a controversial practice in recent years, with many owners and activists believe that it is cruel to have a puppy go through the pain of surgery just for appearance. Watch for signs of infection such as discharge, redness, swelling or heat. Prevent your puppy from scratching recently cropped ears by supervising your puppy, banding back paws or, in some cases, using a cone. His dogs were all cropped but he didn't have the option to have the puppies done, which kind of was frustrating but my vet (she doesn't do ears) helped me find a vet that was good and reputable to do Bane's ears. Many breeders and dog owners feel that cropped ears, that stand up and allow better air circulation to the ear canals, prevent the occurrence of ear infections that are more common when moisture and poor air circulation, cause bacterial and fungal infections to proliferate in the ears. (its pretty much the same thing)just sayin. If tape becomes wet, it must be removed and re-taped. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Monitor ears for signs of infection or swelling and obtain veterinarian assistance immediately if symptoms occur. So I know how bad this subject can get under people's skin, but I do own a Cane Corso. This article will give you a lot more information on the very controversial topic of ear cropping in some popular dog breeds (e.g. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. That "helmet" looks rather large for what should be a short crop. I wouldnt recommend going for the cheapest of the cheapest vet you can find; many factors go into the price besides just the quality of the vet (rent, staff, equipment, etc.). Sutures are removed at 7 to 10 days after surgery and ears are taped and supported. Do you neuter or spay? On the other end, some dog breeders believe that cropping ears lessens the risk of ear infections. to be used for general knowledge only. When the ears are not cropped, much trauma and pain occurs to the dogs when they are involved in an altercation with a predator. The lady who cropped them is an AKC show judge so I don't argue what she crops it to look like, but I have seen plenty of people posting and taping Corso ears. My dogs prefer the tube ones, they can see around them but it depends on the injury and the dog. Thank you for all the input. Illinois prohibits animal torture but makes an exception for alteration of an animal done under the direction of a licensed veterinarian. coz that would be more cruel and invasive to your dogs body. But Bane is much stockier than her so it may work to hold his itching back. If the owners want it done perfect. It is very important to follow the instructions that we give you at the time of discharge and to call our office if you have any questions or should any problems arise. Series of unbiased buying guides and reviews for dog breeders. She was really knowledgable and he seems to have taken it like a champ. Sedation may also be required and will be charged at a discounted rate with the bandaging. Some vets will give pain meds after the surgery if the puppy visibly experiences discomfort. The rest completely depends on the owner. They experience fewer ear infections one ear infection causes possibly hundreds of times more pain than the initial crop. What The Law Says On Ear Cropping For Dogs, Center for Interaction of Animals and Society, laws and regulations on ear cropping and tail docking are changing fast, The Original Comfy Cone by All Four Paws, Soft Pet Recovery Collar with Removable Stays, Large, Black. If you see signs of infection, get veterinary attention immediately. Keep your puppy isolated from other dogs so that they do not lick his ears or interfere with them and do not allow your puppy to scratch his ears. You may choose to leave ears unbandaged for the day to allow air to get at tissues and the ear surface to dry thoroughly before re-taping. The ears are two days into healing now so they look so sore and painful to me but he doesn't even seem to notice. E-collars or Elizabethan collars are commonly used to keep the puppy from scratching and messing with his ears, which can consequently result in more stress. I have a Doberman website that I always use as a reference, I'll look it up later tonight for you since I should be studying for my final right now. Receive a FREE 7-day course to a better breeding + a BOATLOAD of super freebies! I wonder how all those other type of ears came about or whether they are the result of breeding when the trend/fashion was different ears. Weigh out the cons versus the pros then make your decision. The dogs also have a better ability to hear and are more comfortable. I had no idea about the aftercare, which is another reason I left it to the breeder, otherwise I would have my puppy any day now, instead of 2-3 weeks from now. Along with the many different breeds that are acceptably ear cropped, different ear cropping styles exist. I tried to use it on my Weim before but her long legs were unfazed by that tube. Rgullifer how long is his ear crop? Some vets will also include additional costs such as post-surgery medications or even offer to keep the dog for a day or two after surgery. I have been told by a few people that Corso crops should never have to be posted, but I disagree. They may be left exposed for a day or two to allow air circulation and healing to occur after sutures are removed. Price and availability information shown on Amazon at the moment of purchase will apply. I don't know anything about ear crops on Corso's but as it is usually short I would not think you would have to go through as much as you do with a Doberman with their long show crops. You can upload them on a site like flickr or instagram, or photobucket (what I use because I am old school LOL) so I copy and paste the image links from there. All your dogs' health, nutrition, fitness, grooming and special care. Come join a community dedicated to the discussion of grooming, food reviews, training tips, rescue groups, and dog pictures. Our team provides quality posts, in-depth articles, interviews, product reviews, and more. Can you find a forum for Corsos and you can probably find out from that. I had to actually cut the cone shorter because it was to long and he couldn't reach anything. I have to agree its like a childs circumcision as far as invasive surgery is concerned. spaniels and poodles) dont generally have their ears cropped. 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cane corso ear cropping aftercare