If not, a spacious house with a large yard would suffice. All dogs follow similar growth patterns with slight differences. With this score, the ribs are also palpable because of the thin layer of fat meaning that your puppys weight is right for their age category. Remember that the following numbers are estimates to give you an idea of how much your Border Collie may weigh at certain ages. For physical characteristics, Borders have a head like a Collies with a body thats a bit longer than theyre taller. Even if there are no more significant milestones at this period, they will still continue to grow. It should have added sufficient weight to fill all its bones. You dont have to worry too much about the small variance in your Border Collie and any chart you find online. But if youre going to compare the size of Borders with humans, theyre mostly just above the knee. At 12 months, they are still very active and hyper-metabolic, making them lose weight faster than they gain. 2022 Puppy Weight Calculator. Frenchie Feeding Chart. How To Properly Weigh And Measure A Border Collie? After that, a Border Collie puppys growth will significantly slow down, until it plateaus around 12 to 18 months old. Therefore, they need a lot of physical activity and cannot function properly if forced to lay all day indoors. Not to mention that some dogs have growth spurts. Besides, a canines height and weight can indicate early signs of potential health issues. Knowing what to expect regarding your dogs growth within the next couple of months can help you get prepared and find out ways to take care of your pet. You simply divide the current weight by their age in weeks and multiply the result with 52: 78 pounds would be the expected weight of your adult-sized Border Collie. My Dog Ate Raw Chicken, Should I Be Worried? Obesity: Many Border Collies have been known to have issues with obesity. Border Collies, like many other dogs, have genetic health problems that can affect them sometimes. Another thing to consider if youre planning to buy a Border Collie puppy or if you already have one is their size. Keep scrolling and read-up this article to learn the appropriate growth rate or development of the Border Collie size. With that said, very active dogs like this breed arent suitable for a small yard. Make sure it is getting enough exercise. Why Is My Dog Eating Slower Than Usual? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To weigh your Border Collie at home, you need a bathroom scale. Youd also have to feel his pelvic bones and ribs to make sure he has a well-proportioned waist size. How big should a 6-month-old Border Collie be? The average number of puppies to expect is usually between 5 and 6, but sometimes you can get as little as four and as many as 8. Female Border Collies on the other hand weigh between 28 and 40 pounds and stand at a height of around 18 to 21 inches. According to the American Kennel Club Official Border Collie Breed Standards, a mature Border Collie should stand between 19 and 22 inches tall (male) or 18 to 21 inches tall (female). Because they are naturally herding dogs, they enjoy physical activities and can be healthy because of all the exercise they get. They can be very active and like to move around a lot. gaining weight rapidly and should continue like this until they are over 13 weeks old. When adopting a puppy, its important you know what to expect in the upcoming months in terms of their growth and development. In addition to the Border Collie, there are also a few other Collie breeds that might confuse some. Moreover, you might have heard about the Toy or Mini Border Collie size. If you multiply that by 2, the result is 20 lbs. They are considered average shedders but sheds heavily when its time to get rid of their winter coat. Watch this video of Border Collies running around in their yard, playing chase with each other. Usually, male Border Collies can be slightly larger than females. Even as a pup, theyre highly active, but theyre supposed to gain 2 to 4 pounds in a week until their 14th week. Border Collies are energetic, affectionate dogs that give their all in everything they do. They would have reached their adult height of about 18 to 23 inches. Is your Border Collie underweight, healthy, or overweight? Sometimes the puppies can come anytime from 58 to 68 days. Although when looking at their size, we could expect them to live comfortably in an apartment. Her dream job has always been becoming a veterinarian. The majority of Border Collies will be at their adult height at about a year old. It helps them stretch while keeping them healthy and preventing unhealthy weight gain. Compare Border Collie health insurance options to see the savings. Exercise is good for the joints and bones of the puppy. It shows the expected weight of a regular medium-sized Border Collie. They also make a great longtime companion because of their long life. Oversized paws are a classic adolescent feature showing they are still growing. Closely following your dogs weight with a border collie puppy growth chart can help you give them the best care, know precisely when something is wrong and arrest it before it becomes a problem. Other milestones they should reach include opening their eyes and growing baby teeth. As they grow older, they experience drastic weight loss that makes them look skinny and gangly for a few months before they fill up nicely as an adult dog. So, for example, if your 12-week old pup weighs 18 pounds. A female Border Collie has a height of 22 to 26 inches (56 to 66 cm) when standing, and the withers is between 18 to 21 inches (46 to 53 cm). Terms and Conditions Borders have a background of being always on the move. Theyre known for their high intelligence levels, work ethic thats unmatched, and tireless need for exercise and playtime. Pawlicy Advisor is the leading independent marketplace for finding the best coverage for your pet at the lowest rate. We have come up with what you are to expect concerning the growth of your Border Collie. The fluffier Bearded Collie is more similar in size to Border Collie. At four months, the rapid weight increase in the Border Collie puppy reduces, and the dog begins to gain around one pound every week until it is six months old. It causes the hip joints to form inappropriately. Border Collies are originally herding dogs. If you are not sure how big your dog can get, you might waste time wondering why your dog is not getting bigger or if it is too big already. Every milestone is vital as it will be your guide in determining if your Border pup is growing at a healthy pace. Remember, every puppy or dog, even if theyre the same breed, grows at a different rate. It is okay to ask questions about the Border Collie growth chart and wonder how big they can grow and if they are in the right size for their age. Dont wait to set up a pet insurance plan to provide a safety net for your Border Collie best friend! We hope our Border Collie size guide has been a helpful resource in understanding the growth and size of this gorgeous pup. We have put this information together to help you give your Border Collie the proper care it deserves. For premium Border Collies, you can pay up to 4,500 USD. Then they experience a growth sprout for about three months where they become chubby cute puppies. Lets say your Border Collies weight is in between two numbers in the chart. They are genetically built to run around in the field. Having a pet insurance plan will give you peace of mind and your Border Collie puppy the care they deserve to live a long and happy life. If your puppys paws are unusually small, your Collie will be small as an adult. If youre wondering how to use this table, just look for your Border Collies age on the left and find his current weight. If their paws are large compared to their legs and body, then they still have a lot of growing to do. Other than that, feeding larger and frequent meals and switching to a different type of dog food may help. Every dog is unique and grows at its pace, so you cannot expect every Border Collie to be at the same size and weight at the same time. They finally reached their full-sized framework. Other milestones that you dont want to miss during this stage are their first crawl, opening their eyes, and getting their primary or baby teeth. If this situation is not handled on time and correctly, the Border Collie might end up losing their teeth. And yes, even if they are weaned. Females can weigh anywhere from 27 to 42 lbs (12 to 19 kg) and have a length of 28 to 32 inches (71 to 81 cm). Regular veterinary care will help ensure your dog is thriving. Border Collies weigh betweeen 30-55 pounds and stand 18-22 inches tall depending on the gender of the breed. In the evening, be prepared to cuddle up with your tired little pup after a long day of work and playtime. It is, therefore, okay to wonder how long border collie grows. Though each Border Collie puppy would grow differently, a healthy dog should be within this average weight in 12 weeks. Find out if your Border Collie has an ideal weight by simply looking at him from above and on his side. Some health situations that affect border collies include: Dental Issues: for Border Collies, tarter can build up in their teeth and lead to infection of the teeth roots and the dogs gums. The important thing is theyre gaining weight steadily. Meanwhile, by their first birthday, theyve most likely reached their adult height. The largest male Border Collies are sometimes classified as large dogs due to their weight, which can fluctuate dramatically across the breed based on their gender as you'll see in the growth charts below. Visualization and palpation are used to assign BCS scores to animals. Border Collies fall within the medium-sized range, just like English Springer Spaniels, Whippets, and Corgis. Theres no better way to remember all those milestones. How Much Does It Cost to Own a Border Collie? For Border Collies, you might notice that it has a limp in its hind legs and has difficulty getting up. Watch this video of a black and white Border Collie growing up until 12 months: The average height of Border Collies is 22 to 27 inches (56 to 69 cm) and a weight of 27 to 45 pounds (12 to 20 kg). Typically, a dog will not grow bigger than its largest parent, which will give you a maximum size estimate too. A full-grown Border Collie stands 18 to 22 inches tall, with male Border Collies being slightly taller than their female counterparts. Surgery may be needed to treat both osteochondritis dissecans and hip dysplasia. These brilliant dogs have been featured in famous Scottish poetry, acted in tons of films and television shows, broken many world records, and were a favorite of Queen Victoria herself. If you bought your Border Collie from a breeder, reach out to them for a specific, estimated weight based on your puppys parents and their past litters. Knowing when your Border Collie has reached its maximum size is excellent as it lets you know what to expect. The vet can perform a scan to let you know how many puppies your Border Collie is expecting and if they are healthy. The #1 Weight Calculator for Puppy Parents, Try Our Border Collie Puppy Growth Calculator, Here you can learn more about how much you should feed your Border Collie puppy. Their ears are perked with the tips dropped over. Couldnt find the age and weight of your puppy on this chart? These conditions will usually start from when Border Collies are puppies but might not be evident on time. Now that we know the average Border Collie size, lets discuss the different sizes of Border Collie. If youre the pet parent to a sweet Border Collie pup, you may be asking yourself how large will my Border Collie grow and when will they stop growing? We cannot emphasize enough that each and every puppy are individuals who grow or develop in different paces. In addition, for your Border Collie puppy to grow into a healthy adult dog, we recommend you feed them specially formulated puppy food. Based on that formula, a Border Collie puppy that weighs 8 lbs at 13 weeks would likely weigh 32 lbs as an adult. Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered. Youd notice the puppies are starting to socialize, not just with their mom or siblings, but everything in their surroundings. So, if your dog weighs 5.1 pounds at nine weeks, its expected weight at 12 months is 29.3 pounds. Males have a length of 29 to 34 inches (74 to 86 cm), and their weight is between 30 to 45 lbs (14 to 20 kg). Due to certain hereditary dispositions, Border Collie growth can occur too quickly, so it's important to check in with your veterinarian on a routine basis. At least to 1 ounce a day. Border Collies are sheepdogs that originated from the Scottish borders, hence the name. You cannot guess how many puppies to expect without the help of a vet. Therefore, continuously crossing these pups can result in unhealthy new litters. Join 2,438,795+ insured dogs and cats across the US. Adult Border Collies dont struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Adriana has been around dogs since she was a little kid. Your dog is just about to reach their sexual maturity. He should have his own crate thats about 42 inches (107 cm). You can also find them in different combinations of red and white, brown and white, blue merle, gray, tricolor, and many more! Theyre both very similar in size, and have an athletic build combined with high energy levels. Since the reproductive and growth hormones are interconnected, your puppy may have joint issues or grow taller in the future. Spaying and neutering should be done when your Border Collie is between the ages of 5 and 9 months. Although some of them are still used for their herding or working skills, Border Collies also excel at conformation shows, canine sports, and human-assisting jobs like search and rescue. You can check your dogs weight regularly and notice immediately any irregularities. Her lifelong passion for helping animals currently has her earning her doctorate of veterinary medicine at Cornell University and helping Pawlicy Advisor educate pet parents. This is your puppys weight. There are also a lot of size calculators for puppies and dogs where you just have to provide your pets specific breed (just select Border Collie), age, and current size. However, larger Border Collies may need up to 18 months to finish filling out their chest. Remember that prevention is always better than treatment, and regular veterinary exams, x-rays, and vaccinations can help prevent and detect sickness early on. Finally, subtract your weight from the total weight of you and your Border Collie. During this period, the puppy begins to be more socially aware. A Border Collie is recommended for families who have a ranch or farm. By comparing personalized coverage and pricing differences we can save you a ton of money, up to 83% in some instances! The pet insurance marketplace endorsed by veterinarians, at Pawlicy Advisor we make buying the best pet insurance easier. This is where the abdominal tuck is visible from the side and the waistline is visible from above. Youll see them will complete adult teeth, ears upright with the tips dropping, and they have a stronger bond with their pack. What is the size of a full-grown Border Collie? Will Neutering/Spaying Affect My Border Collies Growth? Owning a dog like a Border Collie can be very exciting and interesting. Border Collies are dogs that have a long lifespan. Keep in mind that these are only average numbers and occasionally overlap. All you have to do is weigh your puppy while on his 14th week or check his record and see what he weighed during that age. So, its not unusual for a Border Collie to gain a few more pounds up until their second birthday. Do you have a Border Collie that has a different size? Multiply it by two and add it to half hid weight at 14 weeks. If your puppy is 26 lbs at the age of 11 months, then hes between 24 and 27 lbs on the table above. Female Borders are considered adults by the time theyre 24 months or two years old, and males reach their adulthood until 36 months of age. Ready? Veterinary bills can quickly become expensive, with many surgeries and treatments costing thousands of dollars. Adult male Border Collies weigh between 30 and 45 pounds and stand at a height of around 19 to 22 inches. At 14 weeks old, that rapid and extreme gain weight finally levels off and is probably gaining a pound each week until six months of age. While theyre entering adolescence, teenage Border Collies eat voraciously in order to support their high levels of energy and metabolism. As an adult dog, the Border Collie has a muscular look. Therefore, you should give your dog ample time for exercise. You can monitor the weight of your dog with this border collie growth chart. The diet of your Border Collie is essential for getting it to the right size. Their length is about 28 to 34 inches (71 to 86 cm), and a withers height of 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm). Aliyah Diamond has more than ten years of experience in animal hospitals - working with dozens of species from dogs and cats, to elephants and snow leopards. You should feed them with high-calorie meals to match the energy they expend. learn more about how to choose a responsible breeder. How big does a Border Collie get? Disclaimer But there are different ways to tell the weight of your Border Collie puppy or dog based on their age or gender. Without visiting a vet, you can check if your dogs maintaining a healthy weight, especially since each canine is unique. You may be wondering if your Border Collie puppy is growing at a regular rate, which means you care about his overall well-being and you just want him to grow properly. Despite this, Border Collies can live long and healthy lives with proper veterinary care and health screenings. Noticing it on time can help treat it and save your dog from unnecessary pain. Border Collie is an absolute superstar companion. To avoid this, we recommend consulting with your veterinarian about the ideal diet to feed your Border Collie so that they grow at an appropriate speed without affecting their adult size. Although both female and male Border Collies are almost the same height, there can be a slight difference of a few inches. The size of an appropriate home for Border Collies, Its okay if your Border Collies size is different, Mini Borders: What you need to know about Miniature Border Collies, Your guide to the first steps of Border Collie training. Pro Tip: Did you know that you could be reimbursed for up to 90% of your dogs vet expenses? Pet insurance acts as a safety net by reimbursing you for up to 90% of your dogs out-of-pocket veterinary expenses. At seven months, the Border Collie is now an adolescent and should weigh about 15 pounds. Hip dysplasia can also occur if a puppy grows too quickly and can be identified with x-rays and a physical exam performed by your veterinarian. Our handy interactive puppy growth chart and calculator takes all the hard work out of predicting your puppys potential adult size. They are beautifully sleek and athletic dogs. All the information, charts, formulas, and calculator that we provided should only serve as guides to help you understand if your dog is on a healthy weight and how big they can get in the future. Pawlicy Advisors personalized recommendations can help you save up to 83% on insurance costs over your dogs lifespan. They can go as long as 18 years, and a few get to live for more than 18 years. As purebred dogs, Border Collies are more prone to some genetic health problems. This will also avoid pent-up energy, which may lead to developing behavioral issues. Lets have a look at the average Border Collie size chart by age: As we can see from the Border Collie size chart, these dogs will usually reach half their adult size around 6 months old. There are ways of calculating the weight of a dog within the medium range. What If My Border Collie Is Not The Right Weight? This breed is suitable for owners or families who are active and loves spending time with their dog, both indoors and outdoors, no matter the season or weather. Pet insurance can help owners save money on vet costs over the dog's lifespan to ensure they receive the essential care for a healthy, happy life. Mini Border Collies are usually a result of selective breeding, where runts or puppies with the dwarfism gene are crossed to achieve a certain look. Since they are just getting used to the new environment and smell, they are very playful. It will be a gradual process compared to puppyhood. Their backyard seems to have enough space and is secure for them to exercise without much supervision. Pro Tip: Download a new puppy checklist that covers essential tips for owners on their journey into pet parenthood. Border Collies full-grown size usually fits within 30 to 55 pounds in weight, and 18 to 22 inches in height. Female Border Collies tend to run slightly smaller than the male pups. add weight slowly until they reach their full size, Rottweiler Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart) When Do Rottweilers Stop Growing, How Much To Feed A French Bulldog Puppy? If theyre a little ahead or behind the pack average, dont be alarmed. This helps you to know exactly what you are in for. 2022 Pawlicy Advisor Inc, All Rights Reserved. Have genetic health problems gender of the breed to choose a responsible breeder are ways of calculating weight! Puppy growth chart and calculator takes all the hard work out of predicting your potential. 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border collie adult weight