Merle French Bulldog colors are rare and of course in the higher price range. Copyright Frenchie World, 2018. However, pied is very different from Brindle. Some owners may even question if all Frenchie colors are good for the dog. I get so many questions about French Bulldog colors on a daily basis. French bulldogs act great with children and other dogs too. This condition associated with blue dogs is called Color Dilution Alopecia and its certainly found in Blue Frenchies, whether Blue Brindle, Blue Fawn or Blue Pied. The same dilution gene that causes a black dog to become blue (like mentioned above), causes a chocolate/liver dog to become a lilac. The rarer the color, the more expensive itll be. If you are trying to invest into a standard colored French Bulldog, from a responsible breeder as a pet only, you will usually be looking at prices between 2,500-3,000$. The pied pattern is recessive to that for a solid coat. above is our Blue merle Pied Frenchie, called Bronson. Coat color, investment from the breeder and genetics all play a huge role in the final price. In addition, their eyes also will vary greatly in colors such as yellow, green, gold and more. However, theres one magnificent color that seems to be the most popular in this dog breed. Fawn can also be combined with an exotic color in which the dilution affects the black mask, eyes, nose and paw pads (Blue fawn, lilac fawn, chocolate fawn,..). My Frenchie is a blue fawn the mix of blue & fawn comes out to look like a lightish grey & fawn color. Our brindle and white french bulldog on the other hand has had hair loss problems and skin allergies so we quit breeding her. BUT tan points can also be hidden and overpowered by other coat colors and patterns, making them invisible. They are short and compact dogs that perfectly suit the apartment type of living. Fawn & white is also recognized by the AKC. Finding a Cream Frenchie is certainly more difficult than the first two colors. A masked Frenchie is one that has a black snout, but the rest of their coat is another color. Unfortunately, we wont be covering all the standard Frenchie colors. We will not get into to many details if you arent familiar with coat color genetics, but this is the rarest French Bulldog coat color at this moment. But, did you know the average cost to breed a French Bulldog is roughly $7000? Its one thing to cryogenically freeze some sperm but it would be be crazy if not impossible to alter their color. After the 1911 standard revision they approved additional standard colors and patterns like fawn, cream, piebald,.. To this day any deviation from the standard equals disqualification. However, these colors are arguably evenmore rare than the others on this list. In addition, these markings tend to be darker than the coat color. They require meat-based nutrition and healthy diet, as well as an ultrasound examination in order to discover whether the puppies have enough space in a moms uterus. Maecenas potenti ultrices, turpis eget turpis gravida. In the chocolate color case, the dilution of the black color happen on the B locus. Ok, so, Fluffy is obviously not a color, nor is it a pattern, but its becoming such a big part of the French Bulldog world, it simply needs to be included on this list. The next extremely rare coat color is the previously mentioned Isabella the true lilac, and the Isabella coat color can also be found with a tan pointed combination which is at the moment still really rare. Designed by, Healthy, rare color puppies available for you right now, See what people around the world said about us, We believe in ethical breeding of proven healthy, loved dogs, Frenchie tips and tricks that you wont find anywhere else, Top 7 French Bulldog Life Jackets In 2022. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Blue Merle Frenchies looks so unusual and are very difficult to breed. The price range is wide. In order to create this rare colored Frenchie, a breeder needs to select a blue French bulldog and a merle Frenchie. This genetic defect is potentially harmful because it creates known abnormalities in how pigment (color) gets distributed to the hair of the coat. The newest exotic Frenchie on the block is the Fluffy Frenchie. In blue fawn Frenchies, the parts of darker blues also carry a brindle gene and they are most visible on their ears, around the muzzle, around eyes, and on their back. The means that one copy of the recessive gene must come from each parent, making it slightly more difficult to breed for. Ive scrolled online trying to find an article that covers all the French Bulldog Colors and show it to my customers as an example, but nothing extensive popped up, so I decided its time to write my own. But not to worry, weve compiled a list of all the most popular French Bulldog colors. The reason for this is that these genes are associated with a lack of pigment cells which give the appearance of their coats. While a regular cream French Bulldog would have a black nose, dark eyes and black paw pads, the Platinum French Bulldog will have a diluted version of that. Frenchies come in a whole bunch of colors but only some of them are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). For instance, some of these dogs come in a darker blue coat, which is generally caused by a copy of the brindle gene. It will cost you more to get a specific dog with a full AKC registration, than getting it just as a family pet. Click here to check out our Blue French Bulldog Puppies available. Lilac fawn Frenchies might go even above that, again depending on your location and the quality of the bloodlines. All rights reserved. Let us introduce you to the Isabella French Bulldog, this is the new shade of lilac also referred to as the true lilac or double lilac. While you might think white Frenchies are obvious, sometimes people get them mixed up with the cream Frenchies. However, in case its difficult to determine when a puppy is still small whether its blue, it should be obvious that the nose is blue. And while some owners may think this color is boring, I think its stunning. They are adorable and look like little teddy bears due to the rare L - long hair gene. You can expect the coat to be glossy and smooth without any brindling at all. Its often claimed that dilute dogs are less healthy than those with normal pigment. This pattern is definitely one of the most beautiful in Frenchies. This one always confused me at first blue Frenchies are not actually blue! Dont believe me? However, if the breeder advertises and charges a premium for these colors, I would stay away. A true cream Frenchie will look slightly off white throughout solid color. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. We are Worlds most popular French Bulldog breeder, with more than a million followers. At the end of the day, is it really worth getting a Blue French Bulldog if potential and serious health problems may arise? One of the currently most popular merle colors is the Blue Merle French Bulldogs?. Chocolate colored Frenchies are similar to Blue Frenchies, in the sense that they are a base color for French Bulldogs. They can be easily distinguished from the regular fawn Frenchie with a black mask due to the lighter eye color and like I previously mentioned the different mask color. The dilution gene affects eumelanin (liver and black coats), in some instances, the red coat as well. These beauties deviate from the acceptable coat colors, but are definitely still in the lower price range. However, its really not a big deal if your Frenchie isnt part of the breed standard. Unless you plan to show your dog or compete in any other AKC competitions, it wont matter much. But what really sets them apart from the Blue Fawn is the brindle pattern on top of the blue coat. You can expect to pay 7000$ for a Black and Tan French Bulldog, to up to 9000-12000$ for a Lilac and Tan or Merle and Tan one. And by that, I mean breeders have to specifically breed for these colors (or at least attempt to). Believe it or not, these Fluffy Frenchies are actually purebred Frenchies the gene for fluffiness is just extremely rare. In the end, a French bulldog breeder cant put his previous efforts on risk and not to plan every step. And even though its still not well known in the general French Bulldog community, its definitely an extremely unique, beautiful and on top of every French Bulldog breeders wish list. RECOMMENDED: 34 Beautiful Black Dog Breeds. Fluffy or also called Furry French Bulldog is a long-haired frenchie. The puppy picture above is a Blue Pied. The merle gene creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, and it can affect skin pigment as well. I mean I have seen pics of some that were marked and colors so unique that I even have a hard time describing them? Its also called the tiger stripe pattern because of its similarities to a tigers coat. In this piebald Frenchie, you can see its spots of white fur on top of the black coat: You might have heard of some Frenchie colors being called exotic. This type of blue French bulldogs has sort of dusky looking fur. I will try to keep it as simple as possible as well as cover some basic questions regarding pricing. These are the patterns the AKC recognizes: You might see Frenchies with these markings, but the AKC would disqualify a Frenchie with these markings (not important unless you want your dog to compete in AKC dog shows). Exotic French Bulldog Colors: Blue; Blue Fawn; Lilac; Chocolate; Grey & White; Merle; Platinum; and Fluffy. Blue fawn French Bulldogs or fawn French Bulldogs with any other color dilution like lilac fawn French Bulldogs, chocolate fawn French Bulldogs, are fawn French Bulldogs with the signs of dilution on their mask, noses, ears and paw pads. The contrast of the tan color with the (often) black mask looksreally good in my opinion. French Bulldogs are undeniably some of the best dog breeds out there and for good reason!. It will cost you between 4000-6000 $ to get a blue canine companion. you might be saying, however, I promise we can explain everything. There are common misconceptions about blue-colored Frenchies that they usually show dozens of health issues in the future. Merle French Bulldogs are definitely not cheap, especially if they are responsibly bred and from excellent bloodlines. We call this dappled coat colors, which pretty much means the dog has spots and patches on the coat. These rare lilacs are a result of their parents blue and chocolate DNA. Fawn is officially recognized as a French Bulldog color by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Still, its a fantastic look on a Frenchie and very popular among this breeds community. Never seen a Chocolate Frenchie? This Brindle color isnt exclusive to French Bulldogs. The Blue Fawn Frenchie is truly a spectacular sight that few have the opportunity to ever witness. The beautiful blue (gray) French Bulldog color is a results of a dilution gene. Merle dogs will usually have bright blue eyes, or odd looking eyes (heterochromia iridum). A solid coat includes fawn, cream, and brindle. If a blue and tan French bulldog is covered in cream, then it will appear cream on the outside. Itll be a lot more obvious when seen in person. With tan points the same rule applies at all times. Brindle is one of the most common French Bulldog patterns. Blue Fawn French Bulldogs have a double recessive dilute gene, as well as two genes with the fawn coloring. There can be many more color coat variations of the French Bulldog. At the same time, there are thin black colored stripes that give the coat a unique texture. A French Bulldog is considered black if the coat color is solid without any signs of brindle, which is rare. If you are interested in a predominantly white French Bulldog or are just concerned about the possibility of your new puppy being deaf, be sure to ask your breeder about performing a BAER test. A merle should only be bred to a dog with a solid coat color. Frenchies with a fawn color can come in a tan, or with a reddish-caramel. Anything else besides the following colors are grounds for disqualification: The numbers in the right column are the official AKC registration codes for the coat color. The cream color of the French Bulldog is pretty self-explanatory. A picture can explain better than I can just look at my Frenchie! They seem to be extremely rare so is it just by random depending on the parents and the luck of 2-3 recessive jeans combining? Purchasing a Merle French Bulldog is definitely an investment and it can cost you anywhere between $6,000-$15,000. Cream Frenchies are kinda like a mix between fawn & white. They also often come with bright blue eyes that stay that way permanently. He is all white with small blue merle patches and gorgeous baby blues. Blue Brindle Frenchie has a visible blue/grey coat with traces of brindle. Pop upl. Its almost like a tigers coat, which explains why Brindle is sometimes called the tiger stripe.. Furthermore, there are many variations (and names) of the Brindle, such as Seal Brindle (almost non-existent black brindle) and Tiger Brindle (very obvious brindle pattern). It will cost you around $3500-$5000 to bring a black or a black pied French Bulldog home. For a breeder, its an additional cost because he/she needs to put a Frenchie dame on artificial insemination. Brindle pied, fawn pied, red fawn pied, etc.. Of course pied can also come in an exotic color variation, but we will discuss that more in depth further down the line. The truth about most of these fad colors are that they are made by breeding Frenchies with other dog breeds. Keep in mind that the prices vary based on color, bloodlines and breeding rights. A rare color doesnt usually mean better. Rather, it means that its probably not a breed standard color and most reputable breeders dont want to spend to much effort producing those colors. The price of blue French bulldog puppies usually ranges between 1,500 $ to 10,000 $. Just make sure you acknowledge any potential issues. There are many different shades of fawn that range anywhere from a pale tan to deer-red. Brindle French Bulldog has a base coat of fawn hairs through which black hairs extend in bands to produce a coat that can range from a tiger brindle in which fawn hairs predominate to the more common dark brindles in which the black hairs predominate. It seems that although they are highly sought after and Im guessing cost 5-10X the normal price, many breeders frown on it. Like with the cream variation, a Fawn Frenchie does not have any spots or patches. A ticked Frenchie is one that has very small spots of one color (usually white) mixed in with its coats main color. If youre looking for AKC certified breeders, you can check out their convenient French Bulldog marketplace. Though this pattern is recessive, it can be specifically bred for. The edges of the patches may appear jagged and torn. Message us over Instagram and we will help to determined your doggos color combo. Its sad that these breeders are after a profit without regard for the health of the breed. They carry the same double recessive dilute genes as blue and pied ones, except that they also carry 2 genes for the fawn color. Do you own an interesting colored Merle French Bulldog or are curious about your Frenchies coat color? That being said, the term rare can be quite subjective. Brindle striping appears on the puppies when they are usually 4 weeks old. Read More on Merle French Bulldogs. Talking about the pied pattern in general, it is easy to achieve, however, its difficult to achieve it perfectly. What is a cream French Bulldog? Everything above applies, but there are patches of white fur throughout their coat. Which are standard French Bulldog colors and patterns? And if you thought it couldnt get more difficult or complicated, this recessive gene has is a non-testable gene. According to National Purebred Dog Day, a pied-colored Frenchie needs to have at least 50% coloring or patches of white and another color. This kind of condition is actually the result of a faulty version of the d allele, known as dl. It really doesnt matter which French Bulldog color you end up getting, that is, unless you decide on blue. Exotic Colors and Patterns in the French Bulldog breed _Accare the one that arent approved by the AKC and cant participate in the ring. While there is testing available for Color Dilution Alopecia, there is no cure. Its worth noting that a Cream Frenchie can sometimes have a dark mask. If youve decided to keep a Frenchie, youve made a great decision. Nothing unordinary or extraordinary, theyre just solid black. For this reason, its highly recommended you dont use harsh grooming products with your Blue Frenchie. Theyre unique, beautiful and a little exotic. The light version with fawn hairs that predominate is also known as a reverse brindle, and its generally more rare. Take a look for yourself! Theyre seen in other dog breeds, guinea pigs, cattle and sometimes horses. However, weve managed to identify the 8 most common and prevalent colors. Their very slim hips makes it very difficult, if not nearly impossible for them to reproduce naturally. Its because, like the blue color, the chocolate color comes from two copies of a recessive gene. Fluffy French Bulldogs do have a tendency to overheat faster than a regular French bulldog due to the fact that their hair is thicker and longer. If you think about it, Pied is the exact opposite of Brindle. The Problem with Breeding Blue Frenchie Colors. Read Here to learn more about Blue Fawn French Bulldogs. They have a high incidence of health issues such as eye anomalies, deafness, blindness, and increased fetal mortality rates. A merle French Bulldog should only be bred to a dog with a solid coat color. Frenchies have small litters. Pictured above is our chocolate and tan Frenchie cutie, called Indi. The reasons for such a fact are many. Fluffy French Bulldog come in all the colors mentioned in this blog. Can Chihuahuas Swim? Again, this isnt a standard color, so it varies a lot depending on the parentage. Not matter what your taste is, youll find the perfect Frenchie that fits your style. Its not officially recognized by the AKC but that doesnt make it any less cute! The standard French Bulldog colors are the only ones allowed to compete in the ring. In short, this can lead to stunted growth of fur, which may eventually lead to hair loss. Acceptable colors All brindle, fawn, white, brindle and white, and any color except those which constitute disqualification. Have you ever seen a black and tan French Bulldog in person? The DNA of a true cream French Bulldog is different than the one of the light fawn. But just because a breeder is trying to sell you a Frenchie with an rare color doesnt mean theyre bad breeders. Doing so will only make things worse. Albino French Bulldogs: What Do You Need To Know About These Rare Dogs. The merle gene itself, does not cause any health issues. Fawn is a lightish tan color that gets its name from the color of baby deer (fawns). Another cost includes the care of pregnant Frenchies. Its important to note that not all breeds carry this faulty allele. There are small hairs in the inner ear that are called cilia, and when there is an extreme lack of pigment cells, the cilia may not develop properly, resulting in deafness. The coat color of blue dogs may vary from almost black, to dark grey and light grey to blue. This pattern is very controversial in the French Bulldog community since it can cause severe health issues, if two merles French bulldogs are bred together. All of the coat colors can come in a variation with a pattern (piebald, brindle, merle) + a different color. The blue color can vary quite a bit in Frenchies. Another reason for their growing popularity is their amazing temperament. While Frenchies may come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns, there are only a handful that are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). However, you can still find them at some reputable AKC-registered breeders, such as Lindor French Bulldogs. I talk about the Blue French bulldog whose color of fur leaves speechless. Like the Blue Fawn, the Blue Brindle French Bulldog has the same double recessive dilute genes. Its a recessive dilute from the fawn coat. Yes, you heard me right, some of these Frenchies (as youre about to see) can even cost as much as $10,000 to $100,000+. Merle is dominant, and so denoted by the capital letter M. Non-merle is recessive and denoted by m. The merle gene dilutes random sections of the coat to a lighter color (in this case, its blue color) and leaves patches of the original color remaining. First of all, Frenchies require a special mating because of their hips and short bodies. Not all black Frenchies look the same! Unlike other dog breeds, these furry gremlins dont require much exercise, so they seem like the right choice for lazy owners. The blue French Bulldog color is in the rare or exotic color price range. In 1897, the only original breed standard was considered brindle. This pattern is very controversial in the French Bulldog community since it can cause severe health issues, if two merles are bred together. The reason for having a sort of grey-blue coat is in carrying a dilute gene. When a dog has two copies of the d allele (dd), a black dog will become blue. It can be a little intimidating for new owners, as there are so many physical variations of these dogs, especially with coat colors. The Owners Guide to Swimming with Chihuahuas, How Much Does a Pug Cost? The AKC also recognizes two other Frenchie colors, namely fawn brindle & white and cream & white. However, the kennel club acknowledges they arent part of the breed standard. The M locus is the home of the merle allele. Anyways, heres a picture of a white Frenchie: You may be wondering how the color of the coat could affect the hearing. For example, its much more common with a Golden Retriever. If a dog was properly bred, and its parents were completely healthy, theres no way that such a dog will express health issues throughout its lifetime. But what causes this French Bulldog to produce this blue hue? Blue French bulldogs can thank only to their genes for having such an amazing fur color. A blue fawn dog will usually have a dark shade of fawn as the base, with a blue hue most noticeable on the ears and back. The result is a gorgeous gray color base with a noticeable blue shade. Its certainly a common color, as seen in many other dog breeds like the Great Dane, Beagle, Bloodhound or the Boxer. Even if a puppy appears black, that might not be the case. Despite being a non-standard color, Black Frenchies are fairly popular. The Merle French Bulldog has a gene that creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, and it can affect skin pigment as well. These patches and spots can range anywhere from dark gray to brown or black. Due to their unique appearance they run in the higher price range of 5000-7000$. A copy of these genes are carried over one from each parent. Others call it a light brown.. However, the blue doesnt always have to be on the ears or back. Most of the time these dogs will develop light-colored eyes as well. What makes breeding French Bulldogs (and hence Frenchie puppies) so expensive is that they require artificial insemination and c-sections to reproduce. They are all very healthy. All colors are amazing in their own way. The only way to know if a French Bulldog has the chocolate color gene is with the good ol eye test. 17 State Street Suite 4000, New York, NY 10004. Merle tan French bulldogs are adorable and pretty rare, still. The pied Frenchie is another popular coloring for these amazing little dogs. Generally speaking, its very difficult to bred Frenchies and blue French bulldogs even more because the breeders need to search for completely healthy parents that carry dilute genes. An exotic color covered in cream, is what its called a Platinum. The birth canal is much smaller in sizes from puppys head and shoulders, so even trying to perform a naturally occurred birth can turn out to be fatal both for a mom and the babies. Merle dogs will usually BUT NOT ALWAYS have bright blue eyes, or odd-looking eyes (heterochromia iridium). Brindle is such a cute color its a mix of black, brown, tan, and/or gold. The spectrum can range with a Fawn Frenchie, but typically its anywhere between the tan and red. Their eye color may vary from yellow, brown to blue and grey. Though theyre not as popular as the Brindle or Pied, the Fawn Frenchie is still a very attractive French Bulldog. =). The fawn French Bulldog colors come in different shades, from very light, almost cream looking ones, to a deep red fawn. Lets start at the beginning.. According to French Bulldogs LA, the blue is the result of a recessive black dilution gene. Black and Tan French Bulldog is a solid black Frenchie with tan points. However, the problem with pied Frenchies is that they lack pigment which can potentially lead to heath problems down the line. Its important to know that Brindle isnt really a specific color. When it comes the time for puppy birth, a breeder needs to take a mom-to-be on a C section. Not only do Frenchies come in different shapes and sizes they also vary in price quite a bit. Their coat color is cream, but you can see signs of dilution by looking at their nose, eyes, lips and paw pads. Plus, most ethical and reputable breeders tend to avoid them if possible. Let us know down in the comments. Pied animal is one that has a pattern of pigmented spots on an unpigmented (white) background of hair. The patches can be any size and shape and can be located anywhere on the dog. However, theyll still be just as beautiful and gorgeous. Brindle usually features dark colors, such as a combination of different degrees/shades of brown and a dusky tawny color. Another very beautiful and unique coloration. For now lets give the lilac and tan Frenchie its spotlight and recognition. Rather, its a colorandpattern. Usually the white patches are on their chests, however, it can be present anywhere on their coat their head, back, paws, chest, tail, etc. Click here to get in touch. Blue French bulldogs usually have light blue or blue eyes that look simply thrilling and dramatic. No, a Blue Frenchie is not actually blue theyre more of a grey color. This post contains affiliate links, and we will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on our links. They have no markings on them, they have black pigment, black noses, black eye rims, black paw pads, and black lips. If it looks like chocolate, its probably chocolate. One of my favorite color patterns, which also happens to be one of the most popular, is the Brindle. Its true that Frenchies simply catch everyones eye like magnets. If you are looking for a blue-eyed French Bulldog whose eyes wont change as it grows and matures, then a Merle is your only option. The price range is of course wide and what determines the price is the color as well as buying the dog as a pet only vs. with breeding rights. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to These colors are not officially recognized by the AKC. Some people also call an all-white Frenchie a Platinum Frenchie. All French Bulldog Colors: Cream; Fawn; White; Fawn & White; Brindle; Brindle & White; Fawn Brindle; Fawn Brindle & White; Blue; Blue Fawn; Lilac; Chocolate; Grey & White; Merle; Platinum; and Fluffy. This misconception has most likely come from the prevalence in some breeds of a condition known as Color Dilution Alopecia (CDA). When a pied Frenchie is bred with a completely blue Frenchie, theres a high possibility to get a pied puppy. Most of the time, these colors are the result of a recessive gene (as opposed to a dominant gene). Its not difficult to explain what this is theyre literally solid black French Bulldogs without any other markings. Price 2000 euro ($2450 usd). She lives in Brooklyn and will be super happy to say Hi to you if you run into her on a walk. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. The dog is however still a tan pointed dog on DNA and can create tan pointed offsprings or pass down the gene and create a puppy that is a carrier. You cant really go wrong with a Black French Bulldog.
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blue vs blue brindle french bulldog