Of course, neither of these produces a white color. Inbreeding can result in behavioral problems. The gene in the white Swiss Shepherd was proven to be a recessive masking gene, bleaching the pigment from a colored dog, keeping the dark eyes, black lips, nose, pads and nails. [CDATA[//> Though very rare, white Rottweilers do exist. He was a deep black /mahogany but around 6 months of age his coat changed to an almost solid black. According to the American Kennel Club breed standard for Rottweilers, there are just three official colors on the Rottie. Retired Rottweilers| Rottweiler Links | The short answer is no. Notice the eyes, muzzel and parts of the body still have color. Some German police took the Kuvaszok dogs home with them, now bringing another possibility of a white trait to be bred in the Rottweilers bloodlines. While a white coat on a Rottweiler can look cool for those looking for a rare dog, albinism in Rottweilers can be harmful. Want to reservea Rottweiler puppy from an UPCOMING LITTER, join our WAITING LIST. With the right owners, itll be easy for these dogs to thrive. A single copy of the gene usually does nothing, but when a dog receives two copies of the gene, the dog will lack the pigment-producing melanin and be albino. ]]> This is not just a Rottweiler problem, but commonly found with dog breeds such as Dobermans, Huskies and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. This is a disorder called Vitiligo or Leucoderma, also found in people. A Rottweiler with significant and noticeable white patches in the coat may not be permitted to participate in dog shows and may not do well if permitted. According to Dr. Winnie, there are many possibilities for this. The Romans marched through Switzerland, Germany and Austria bring their own large Roman dogs and probably taking puppies from litters in Switzerland, Austria and Germany for themselves and even allowing or unknowlingly breed their Roman dogs with any local dog on the Journey. We would like to believe that a white or albino Rottweiler would be cool, but that is far from the truth. contact the webmaster var go_serv='c4.gostats.com'; And there can be significant health concerns and/or concerns about lineage purity. German Rottweiler Puppies air shipped to any of the following US states: The reason why blue isnt a great color in dogs is because of the many health issues that may come with it. STOP CUTTING TAILS! Friends & Clients| Instead, through the first three years, youll begin to notice it gradually. But an interesting coat isnt the only thing that may result from breeding for rare colors. Because there is some genetic lineage to suggest small amounts of white fur could still remain in the canine genome, this is generally overlooked for show purposes. So if your Rottweiler puppy is changing colors as the dog enters adulthood, dont worry too much. Its likely not a huge issue. It was my pleasure to love him for 14 years. The first is albinism. escape(document.referrer)+"&p="+escape(window.location.href); With their slick black coat with tan markings, every dog lover knows what a Rottie looks like. So lets take a closer look at the Rottweilers breed history to discover where the genetics for white hairs could have come from. The all white Rottweiler is so close to nonexistent it might as well be. The rust marking is not as dark and deep as the mahogany. Rottweilers offers our puppies owners the ability to have their new Any base color other than black results in immediate disqualification. All our upcoming shows that we plan to attend this year are listed on our News page. Everything is speculation but not impossible, this also would make sence throughout history. White markings on Rottweilers are a serious fault, excluding a few white hairs. The skin would be a patchy or complete absence of white because of the melanin pigment leaving the body. A Rottweiler that grows up to have a few white hairs in the coat here and there is considered normal. Save the Rotties tails. TheSmartCanine.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Black and tan Rottweilers may just be the least common color of Rottweilers. The fur looses it normal color due to altered process of melanin (pigment) formation or from destruction of melanin cells. This fact shows that Greif probably would of sire this litter within 12 years dating back to 1872. Eumelanin is the main color pigment. Although its not painful for dogs, vitiligo can be itchy. However, if you do plan to show and compete with your Rottweiler, then it does matter. ), read on to learn more. Depending on the dog breed, the name for this color may be called blue, charcoal, slate or even gray. go_js="1.2"; So where does white come from? A Hungarian dog breed named the Kuvasz or Kuvaszok was also pure white. Becky Elizabeth. Albino Rottweilers or white Rottweilers have incredibly poor health because of fragile immune systems. Serbian Rottweiler: What Makes This Rottweiler Breed So Unique? For instance, Frenchies with the dilute mutation on a black coat are also called Blue French Bulldogs. There is a number of very serious health issues associated with deliberately breeding for an all white coat in Rottweilers, including blindness, deafness, gastrointestinal issues, eye malformations, and nervous system issues. Rottweiler Youth Dogs| var go_cid=4; Buddy Wash Dog Shampoo & Conditioner for Dogs, Cane Corso vs Pitbull: Two Protection Dogs with Different Talents, Doberman Names: Cute, Funny, Fierce Names for Your Dobe. A mix breed for example would be a Rottweiler bred to a white German shepherd. Although its pretty rare, albinism is a serious health condition. This pigment produces basic black and all the dilute versions of black. Here in the USA we have plenty of top kennels that are active with the Rottweiler breed. Plus, a few dog breeds are known for both black and tan. As VDR Rottweilers emphasizes, true albinism in Rottweilers is extremely rare and can be dangerous for the dog. Unusual patterns for sending nerve signals from the brain to the eye. The antibodies are fighting against it's own melanocytes. go_js="1.3"; It may of came from the late 1800 or early 1900 back near Germany, switzerland and Italy borders. My Max was one of the most Beautiful 135 lbs German Red Golden Rottweiler. 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